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''We are here to meet Jake Clark'', Prim shivered trying to figure out if coming here was even a good choice or not. If William comes to know of their visit he would never forgive her, but some things just needed to be got over with. The guard led them to the cell allotted to Jake.

''Prim'', Jake paced towards Prim to pull her into a hug but she quickly stepped back.

''Hello, Jake'', she tried sounding composed. Jake was in his late twenties and he looked like a boy from the wrong side of town. His beard had grown thicker around his cheeks and chin and his grey eyes sparkled threateningly. He had a muscular tone and long, uncut blond hair and his forehead was broad, smeared with sweat.

''And who do we have here'', his eyes scanned Macy.

''She is none of your fucking concern Jake, just stay away'', Prim warned.

''Macy Henderson, P.A. to Mr. Clark'', Macy looked at him disapprovingly, coming here was definitely not the right thing to do but now backing away wasn't an option either.

''Well, well, Will finally has a P.A. then. He did not tell me about you though'', Jake smirked at Macy.

''You talk'', Macy asked betrayed, of all things she expected William to be forthcoming about his family.

''Yes we do Macy'', Jake tried to move closer to Macy but Prim interrupted him.

''Ms. Henderson to you Jake and goodbye, looks like I made a wrong decision'', Prim spat, guilt creeping through her nerves.

''Oh so William has put you off me too'', Jake screamed, his muscles bunched up in rage.

''Don't you dare raise your voice in front of me Jake and don't you dare drag William to this more than you already have'', Prim held Macy's hand and dragged her out of the cell.

''You alright Prim'', Macy asked as Prim wiped the tears away using the back of her hand.

''Yes'', she replied curtly. Macy dropped Prim home and left for office. She needed to get her mind off all the recent revelations. Why would William not tell her about all this, was it that he dint trust her enough or something. 

''Evening Prim, what's my baby girl been up to'', William grinned from the other side of the call.

''William you were right'', Prim sobbed.

''Right about what Prim, what's wrong'', William clutched his cell phone closer to his ears worried of what he would hear next.

''I had gone to meet Jake today'', Prim paused, contemplating whether to tell him the next bit or not.

''And what Prim, you are testing my patience'', William warned, raking his hand through his hair in frustration.

''I took Macy with me'', Prim sighed guiltily.

''Fuck you Prim, what the hell'', William was clearly screaming.

''I called her to inform I was going out and she realized that I was worried so she came home and I told her everything so she did not want to leave me alone and I took her too'', Prim whispered, preparing herself for what was to come next.

''No, tell me this is a lie'', William sounded broken.

''Prim, how am I going to ever forgive you for this. You know how that bastard is, he must have not taken his eyes off her. Shit'', William cursed.

''She did not tell him she was your girlfriend, just your P.A. and then we immediately left. There is nothing to worry about. Please Willy I am sorry'', Prim sobbed.

''Stop with the fucking Willy Prim'', William hung up, seething in anger.

''Jason why is the phone not with Macy'', William barked.

''Sir, she has left it here for charging'', Jason mumbled.

''I want to talk to her right now'', William cut him off. After a few moments Macy collected her phone and entered the cabin.

''Evening William, how are you and how was the flight'', Macy asked fearing what she will have to hear next.

''What the hell Macy. I had told you to take care of Prim not succumb to her stupid demands'', William was in no mood for casual talk.

''William, Prim wanted to meet her brother and I couldn't let her alone so I went with her, simple'', she sighed.

''It's not about going with her that I am angry about Macy it's about you too going there to meet that prick in the first place. You should have said no, in fact you could have just called me, I would have convinced her otherwise '', William snapped.

''Well stop barking at me all right. I could blame you too for not telling me about Jake at all. But I am not doing that and here you are lecturing me about what to do and what not to do. How could I stop Prim from meeting someone you did not care of telling me about and we are not kids William. I did not tell him about us. You are just being a tad over protective. Please don't hyperventilate because I am not going to sleep with him for god sake. Have a little trust on me'', Macy snapped back.

There was a pause until William resumed.

''Don't talk to me like that, not when you don't know him Macy and don't you dare tell me what harm he is, I can't trust him after he managed to murder his pregnant girlfriend'', William barked and hung up on her.

Macy shuddered at the thought of imagining a young blonde girl, lying in a pool of blood with a life within her. How could anyone be so in humane. But then she was also very angry on William for not telling her about Jake.

''Macy'', it was Prim, trying to assess the damage that was made.

''Tell me'', Macy sighed, there was no point in being pissed at her, she did what family would do.

''Willy called you too'', Prim gasped knowing how angry he must have been at Macy. She did not want to put their relationship in jeopardy.

''Yes'', Macy huffed.

''Can we meet for dinner please'', Prim pleaded. Macy's first inclination was to refuse, she had enough of Clark's today but she did not want to leave Prim alone too.

''Ok by 8'', Macy agreed hoping Josh wouldn't be too annoyed about it.

''Thank you'', Prim smiled.

It was by late evening when William's phone rang.

''Hello big brother you did not tell me about your P.A., what was her name, Macy Henderson. She was a mighty fine sight Willy'', Jake smirked.

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