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''Hello'', Macy waited for a reply as she tried to figure out the caller.

''William Clark'', said a husky voice and she just couldn't control her surge of anger, how dare he call her but even though she couldn't ignore the fact that just his voice had a direct hotline to her libido.

''Mr. Clark like the arse you are, you've been making my life extremely difficult and now if you are calling me to make it worse then you better hang up right now because I'll be more than happy to do it on your behalf, do you understand'', she hissed. For a moment there was silence, when William finally decided to speak.

''Ms. Henderson that was very frank of you, now if you would listen to me, I would be pleased, though I also understand your ultimate aim is not the latter. We have a vacancy at Clark enterprises so would you like to fill in'', the voice had turned icy cold and formal.

''How flattering, Mr. Clark do you always make such personal recruitments or is your HR team proving to be insufficient'', Macy bit back, after all he put her through, he now had the audacity to offer her a job.

''On any other occasion I would love to put you in your place but right now I think I'll take my chances with you'', she heard him breath heavily.

''What is the vacancy for exactly and why do you think I would work for you'', Macy tried to counter attack William but then he was not to be played with.

''Well, I think you know your reasons but then I would not mind counting them for you. You are in need of a job immediately or else you will be leaving for Oregon to your family and I don't think that's exactly your first preference. You have nothing to do at present and your hot shot boyfriend is not going to let you have it for the rest of his life. You have applied in quite a few companies but unfortunately they are out of vacancies'', she felt a soft kick in the ribs.

''How the fuck do you know all of that, you are not getting away with invading someone's privacy like that'', she snapped.

''I shall see you in my office, not later than 6 in the evening'', the sense of authority clearly rang in his voice. Before she could protest he hung up on her.

His stalking capabilities knew no bound. He knew everything about Macy's family and Josh except the fact that he was not the boyfriend and that he was gay and Macy felt that she should continue giving him the benefit of doubt. For a moment she thought of just forgetting this call ever happened. She would carry on with her life as usual, wait for a decent job opportunity even if that took some time but she would not succumb to working under him. But then this wasn't that bad either right, she finally settled upon facing the demon with poise and confidence. It was just going to be like a regular job, she would grind hard, step up the corporate ladder and quit for a better opportunity.

Since he was the one to make her life difficult and create the mess, he might as well sweep it up.

Macy huffed and dashed into her kitchen to work on a quick stir fry for brunch. Carefully deseeding and finely chopping the bell peppers and zucchini, she heated the wok with some olive oil and toasted some whole wheat bread. By the time she cleared her plate and had a shower it was already four.

Macy decided to hunt her wardrobe for a decent attire. She settled upon a formal look comprising of body kissing black pants, nude pink top with a boat neck and a black coat to match. She pulled up her hair into some sort of a messy bun and chose black pumps to match the outfit. She was ready to go by five. It would take around 45 minutes using the cab so she quickly hopped in one of them and left.

As she ideally looked out of the window, her thought's circulating around William resurfaced rather unwillingly. Why did he think she would except the job after what he had done and why was she even going but the truth was she did not want to leave Seattle for Oregon and it was a fair deal and besides, if he thinks he can get away without a payback for what he did, he is wrong. She will take the job and make his life a living hell. To this her notorious self, performed a little salsa.

The cab dropped her right outside the office building and she swiftly made her way into the office. She would be lying if the space was like anything she had ever seen. The corridor was in a corporate grey, everything in matte and decorated with a few strategically placed colorful abstract paintings, giving the space the much needed palatability, yet not turning it into something too casual or extravagant. Mr. Clark definitely had an impeccably suave taste.

The reception had a desk entirely of glass across which sat a blond, muscular man, his hair gelled to one side, oblivious to her presence. He had his eyes glued to the computer screen in front of him, as his fingers typed away seamlessly. He was seated so stiffly, she wondered if he ever considered slouching to breathe. This is what everyone was for William, money making machines she thought bitterly. She cleared her throat to make her presence known and the blondie immediately looked up and acknowledged her.

''You must be Ms. Henderson, this way please'', he beamed at her creepily and led her to a vast cabin and shut the door behind him.

Macy gaped at the looks of this work space William had created for himself. It was so different from the exteriors yet felt so personalized and exquisite. A huge mahogany table occupied a large space towards the tall glass windows with files and documents stacked neatly on one side. There was a pen holder which read Clark enterprises occupied by maroon pens and pencils. A sleek mac book was neatly adjusted on the center of the table.

Her eyes then wandered to the wall opposite the window which had a smaller table with the same color but with more storage. It too had a mac book which was switched off and looked new. There were spare files and box folders for paperwork. The wall beside that had intricate paintings and just as Macy tried to admire one of them William stomped into the office, he was fuming with suppressed anger, his muscles tensing beneath his suit shirt.

 The wall beside that had intricate paintings and just as Macy tried to admire one of them William stomped into the office, he was fuming with suppressed anger, his muscles tensing beneath his suit shirt

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