greasie ass bitch

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Slytherin whores😌💅🏽✨🐍

Cissy added snape!

He gets fucked by my son
hey snape!

Gay queen lucy
why tf is that hoe here

Bella bitch
why not! i thought that u had the hots for him xx

Gay queen lucy
never! how dare you think something so gross🤢

I am right here yk

Gay queen lucy changed snape's name to greasie ass bitch!

Greasie ass bitch
That's not how you spell it- yk what nvm

Gay queen lucy
I still don't understand why this hoe is here

He gets fucked by my son
Bc he is your bf ofc!

Gay queen lucy

Greasie ass bitch
I'll have you know potter, I'm not gay or even interested in the male species

He gets fucked by my son
Right....and I'm a top

Pansy your average hoe
What is this fuss al about? We all know that snape is gay and wants to fuck Lucius. Basic knowledge bitches😌

Greasie ass bitch
I would never fuck Lucius or any man for that matter cause I'm. Not. Gay. Wack ass hoe

Gay queen lucy
Nope, nuh uh, nada, that ain't happening oil bottle. You will never disrespect pansy, she a queen you peasant. Do that one more time and I'll rip out your organs via your butthole and make you eat them. Pussy ass bitch

Greasie ass bitch
I- okay then

Dramatic Draco

Bella bitch
You don't fuck with a Malfoy snape, basic things xx

Can everyone please stfu, I'm trying to sleep u hoes

Pansy your average hoe

Or not i guess

He gets fucked by my son

Greasie ass bitch
Y'all are crazy af
Bye hoes

Greasie ass bitch left!

Gay queen lucy

Dramatic draco added greasie ass bitch!

Gay queen lucy

Dramatic Draco
He's your boyfriend lucy, that's way

Greasie ass bitch
For the last time. I'm not fucking gay!

Pansy you average hoe
You are Snapy

And lucy has the hots for you

Gay queen lucy
I do not!

He gets fucked by my son
So all the times that you were drunk and talked about the fact that snape his dick probably is very big never happened?

Gay queen lucy
Shut your bottom ass up potter.

Gay queen lucy went offline!

lucius sighed and turned his phone off and put away.

He rubbed his temples and grabbed the delicate wine glass. 

Slowly he sipped the red liquid. The wine dancing across his taste buds. 

Sitting back in his chair, he drank some more, letting the liquor do it's work.

'They can't know'. he thought.

'They can't know.'

'They can't know how much i love him.'

They can't know how much i love him and how much it hurts.'

A stray tear left his eye.


so this is a wayyy shorter chapter then expected

so i'm sorry hehe

but uhm it's now really beginning

so buckle up bitches

cause shit boutta go down

and it be going down hard and fast




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