partie quatre

78 2 1

Inés Simons' Perspective

Possible TW

Stepping up the ladder and into my bunk-bed, I pulled my bed sheets over me lightly. By the time I was comfortable, Cheryl and Madeleine were getting ready for bed. The bedroom lights went off and I spun in my bed, facing my window; I could see a sea of twinkling stars with the moon glistening over the pond surrounded by weeping willows that was barely see-able. I had never been to the pond before, as the Smiths didn't let us leave the area and the pond was at least a three hour walk. Glaring at the fascinating view in from of me, my eyes slowly shut.

Looking at the calendar, it was the 27th of July 1954. I hopped out of bed to see the sun shining bright. I was shocked, as it was 6.15am. I did my usual morning routine and put on my chosen dress for the day. It was a baby blue summer dress with thin spaghetti-like straps. The dress ended mid-thigh, which was quite a bit higher then the normal dress. Outlines of flowers were marked on the dress, under the high waist. 

That Tuesday morning, I had a French class, an English class and a math class. Once the three classes were finished, I went up to get my novel to continue reading in the sunshine. I hummed freely while I read and waited for my two favourite boys. They typically had a few more classes than me as "their education was more important than mine." I didn't necessarily mind as I was already very smart.

I was two hours into reading when I had realised that Timothée and Teddy should've been finished their work by now. Since I wanted to finish reading for the day, I decided I would go into the kitchen and get a drink. While getting this drink, I would trudge past the classroom to see if their class went overtime.

So this is exactly what I did. I walked past the classroom expecting to see all of the boys learning, but that wasn't what I had seen; I did see four boys learning, but my two favourite were nowhere to be seen. After deciding not to ask where they were, I walked on and attempted to look for them myself. Checking the dining room, living room, the front and back garden, the shed and the three bathrooms but I still couldn't see them. The last rooms I could check were the bedrooms. 

Just as I stepped in-front of their room, I heard a smashing sound. I opened the door the tiniest bit that it was hardly noticeable, but I was able to see what was going on in the cherry-coloured bedroom. Observing the scene playing out in-front of my eyes, I came to the conclusion that the conversation only started a number of minutes ago.

"How dare you two boys not come to any of the classes. I pay good money for your teachers. What gives you the right to waste my money? What makes you think you're allowed to skip the classes? I can kick you two out of my house and you would be left with nowhere to go. Would you like that? I could ruin your lives, do you want that?" Mr Smith seemed extremely angry as he and Charles Smith stood ahead of the two boys. I was shocked to see neither of my friends were scared; They seemed bold and brave.

"Seriously Smith, what are you going to do to us?I would rather leave this hellhole then spend another day listening to your irritating voice. Do you not hear yourself? You're about 60 looking after nine kids, who you abuse half of the time. It's bad enough we have to see your ugly-ass face everyday, man. Do you even see you-" Charles Smith immediately swung at Timothée before he could finish his question. Two seconds later, Teddy kicked Charles up the face. Mr Smith got involved due to Timothée telling him to 'fuck off.'

I'd be a fool- Timothée Chalamet x readerWhere stories live. Discover now