The Nazi Child

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I barged into the Nazi child's room. He was on his phone. Must've been masturbating with dead deer again.
"The hell do you want, Instagram addict?" Jacob spat, not looking up from his phone. I sighed.
"I'm rooming with you for at least a month, whether you like it or not." I said, pulling my phone out from my pocket. He immediately shot up.
" can't stay in my room. Just, no." He said, disgusted.
"Trust me, I tried to get myself out of this, but they just told me to fuck off." I said. Half of that was true. No one ever told me to fuck off, well, maybe except for that retard on Twitter. My dad just told me to shut up, and that was about it. Jacob sighed.
"Well, shit. Just don't annoy me. This girl on Twitter keeps on being a fucking, little piece of shit." Jacob said, laying back down on his bed. I threw my bag onto a beanbag and sat on a chair. I opened up Twitter and this guy was still going on. Fucking asshole.
"What are you doing?" Jacob asked, finally looking up from his phone.
"This retard keeps annoying me on Twitter. I think they're even worse than you." I said, not looking up from my screen.
"Thanks." Jacob said, sarcastically before returning to his phone. Then, it occurred to me.
"What's your Twitter?" I asked. He glared at me. The little bitch just glared at me. Maybe I should call him 'Nazi asshole' or something. He sighed.
"JTD001." He said, sighing, before returning back to his phone. I immediately stood up.
"What?" Jacob asked.
"Holy shit. You're the retard on Twitter who's been bothering me for days! Holy shit, it's actually you!" I said, laughing. Jacob stood up.
"Well, princess, it looks like you drastically moved up on my annoying level chart. You went from 'Just fuck off already' to 'Fuck off and die in a hole'." Jacob said, facing me. Princess? This little shit just called me princess. The thing is, I kind of like Jacob, but I also hate him at the same time, if that makes any sense. It probably doesn't, but that's fine. I gave him a death glare before storming out of his room. I made my way towards my parents, who were in the backyard, talking to Linda.
"Mom, dad, I cannot share a room with Jacob." I stated.
"Why not, is it because you two will be keeping each other awake all night long?" My dad asked, before all three of the adults burst into laughter. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
"Not funny, dad. I refuse to share a room with Nazi child, and that's final." I said through gritted teeth. They just resumed their conversation, as if I never existed, or as if I wasn't standing right there. I marched back upstairs, in fury.
"Why does everyone I know fucking hate me?!" I shouted before slamming Jacob's bedroom's door shut and slumping next to him on his bed.
"Jeez, the fuck happened to you?" He asked.
"My parents just keep on ignoring me. It's so fucking annoying." I said, opening up Instagram. Jacob sighed.
"Can't last five minutes without Instagram?" Jacob asked.
"Says the Nazi child who can't stay away from Twitter and his dead deer." I said.
"That's just petty."
"Is not."
"Is too."
"Is not."
"Is too."
"Just fuck off, already, jeez."
"Love ya, too." Love? Why the fuck did he just say 'love'? Something's definitely wrong with this kid.

The Nazi Child and the Instagram Addict (Jacob Thrombey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now