Netflix and Chill

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1. I don't remember what happens in the movie so I'll just be making stuff up.
2. I watched IT Chapter 2 and I was crying.
3. Adding on to point 1, I'll try to watch the movie again so I don't go so off tracks I end up making this a Titanic insert.
4. I hate my writing but I'll try to improve. I also don't edit my stories because I don't like rereading them and I'm just can't be bothered.
5. This is a filler chapter and I'll stop talking now. Here's your story:

"That was short," I said, reaching into the Cheeto puffs bag, but it was empty. I looked at Jacob who had a fistful of Cheetos.
"Seriously, man? Come on!" I exclaimed. "Pause the episode, I'm going downstairs to grab some more snacks. Want anything?"
"Maybe some Oreos and Lays. And Doritos. And a Coke. Do they have Diet Coke? You know what, just bring me both," Jacob said.
"Ok," I said. I ran downstairs and looked in the kitchen. They had all of the stuff Jacob requested and the stuff I wanted, which was Reese's Cups(A/n: if you're allergic to peanut butter, just pretend you aren't), Pop Tarts, Hershey's and Fanta. I took the bunch along with some Pringle's, just in case and went back up. As I was going up the stairs, I heard Linda and Walt talking. They said something about Ransom, Marta and the will. I couldn't clearly hear them, because the door was closed, but I ignored it and went back to Jacob's room.
"Here ya go," I said, carefully dropping the stuff. Jacob reaches for the Lays and started eating them. I took the Doritos and opened the packet as Jacob resumed the episode.
"Those are mine!' Jacob said.
"Sharing is caring. Didn't your mom ever tell you that?" I asked teasingly. He pouted as I nudged him. I shook my head and continued watching. Probably an hour or so later, we had finished all the episodes.
"Wow. That was quick. The cliffhanger, though," I said.
"We need a season two right now," Jacob demanded, biting into a Reeses's Cup.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Six. I'm not hungry for dinner, though," Jacob said.
"Same. Well, it depends what's on the menu. If it's stuff like caviar, puréed dog shit and leaves, I'm not having it, but if it's a burger or some sort of pasta, I'm coming," I said.
"Puréed dog shit?" Jacob asked, before drinking some Coke.
"It's a joke. I want to watch something else," I said.
"Let's see what Netflix has to offer us," Jacob said. We scrolled through Netflix before deciding on The Hunger Games. I have watched it probably 100 times, but Jacob hasn't, so I forced him to. We snuck back into he kitchen for more Doritos, Pringle's, Lays and Reeses's then went back up.
"Wait, who's that?" Jacob asked, pointing at the screen.
"Who? Katniss?" I asked. Jacob shook his head.
"The blonde one," he said.
"Peeta?" I asked.
"No, the tall one," Jacob said.
"Oh, that's Cato. I had a crush on him when I first watched the Hunger Games," I said, stuffing my mouth with Pringle's.
"Oh," Jacob said, sounding a bit disappointed. Why did he seem upset? That didn't last long, because the bloodbath scene came shortly after.
"Don't kill Katniss!" Jacob yelled. It was the scene when one of the tributes almost killed Katniss in the bloodbath. When the boy fell limp onto the ground, Jacob cheered.
"Yes! Who saved her?" Jacob asked.
"Just keep watching," I said. Clove, the girl who saved Katniss, threw a knife at her. Katniss blocked it with her backpack and started running.
"Why did she try to kill her?" Jacob asked.
"Jacob. It's the Hunger Games. Everyone's killing everyone," I said.
"Right," Jacob said. We made it through the entire movie without finishing all of the snacks.
"It's eight. We have to go to bed by nine," Jacob said, checking his phone.
"I'm just gonna go onto Instagram for a bit," I said, getting out my phone.
"Ok," Jacob said. I opened up my phone to see a bunch of notifications from Instagram and TikTok. Great.

The Nazi Child and the Instagram Addict (Jacob Thrombey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now