Chapter Twenty Seven

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I startle awake a short while later. My wolf is on edge with her ears perked forward as she paces back and forth in my mind, sensing that something is about to take place. She suddenly stops and stands completely still while tilting her head to the side, listening for anything that seems out of place.

I am not exactly sure what she expects to hear, but there is no longer the sound of chirping birds in the trees which makes my body tense. Baron is holding onto my thigh tightly in his sleep so I get into a sitting position slowly, I don’t want to wake him up and freak the little guy out if it is nothing.

Looking to where Bri was laying down, I see that she’s sitting up and looking across the little creek with narrowed eyes. She turns her head my way and I can see the question in her eyes as she mouths a second later, is your wolf uneasy also?

I nod my head in agreement as I whisper “She knows something is wrong, it’s too quiet.”

Over the sound of running water, we hear a twig break. My eyes dart to Bri and I tell her just above a whisper so I know she can hear me. “Mindlink Edric and tell him to get the someone out here. Now, Bri… something isn’t right. Where are the wolves who patrol in this area? If that was anyone from our pack, they wouldn’t be sneaking around on us.”

She nods her head and I can see the far off look in her eyes, letting me know that she is informing Edric of what’s going on. Another twig breaks, but this one much louder and closer, as if they want us to be aware of their presence. I shift Baron off of my lap and gently lay his head on the grass as I get up, careful not to wake him yet. He stirs slightly but thankfully, falls right back asleep. I don’t even bother taking off my clothes and instantly shift into my grey wolf.

In wolf form, our senses are heightened. We can hear and smell a lot better and right now, I need to know if we are in real danger. With the wind blowing in the opposite direction, I now know why we can’t smell whatever is out there. We growl low as we stand in a protective stance over Baron, warning whoever is watching us that they will have to get through me to get to the pup. Bri gently puts Georgie in the same position as Baron and also shifts into her caramel wolf, readying herself.

Footsteps are heard too close for comfort and get louder as we see three brown wolves across the little creek, one a little bigger than the other two, staring at us with their lips raised in a threatening manner. The taller one inhales deeply and lets out a feral needy growl. The fur on my spine rises as we make ourselves taller, wanting these wolves to know that we won’t back down and tuck tail. The smaller one growls and takes a few steps forward with their focus solely on me. They don’t even pay attention to Bri or the pups and I am thankful for that. 

I can tell by the way their fur is matted that they are not pack wolves, yet they aren’t exactly rogue either.

Why are they just standing there?

I twist my head around slightly to look at where Georgie and Baron were laying and see that they are now huddled together, Baron has his arms around Georgie and glaring at the invading wolves. His eyes are a dull gold so I know that his little wolf is present also. I step closer to them, blocking them from seeing the trespassers and vice versa.

Bri growls and steps toward the smaller wolf, warning it to back the fuck up. While I was checking on the little ones, he managed to inch his way closer to me. I bark at Bri, hoping that she will understand what I am saying and I can tell that she does when she takes a step back. The wolves tilt their heads to the side in confusion.

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