Fight till death part 2

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A few feet away from them,was standing a tall man with a shiny metallic armour and a metal helmet covering his head.At first,they got confused of the helmet,when they saw his one eye was burned (they thought along with the right half of his face as well)and it had been replaced with a glass eye.When Arvy looked at him,she knew exactly who he was.


She whispered.Shredder looked at them and chuckled.

Sh:I was informed by one of my henchmen that my enemys' students are in the city.I struggled to believe it at first but I would never believe that Hamato Yoshi's students will be 4 mutant turtles and a teenage girl.

Arvy started taking out her sword in defending stance.

A:How did you find out about us?

She asked,her voice filled with rage and confusion.

Shredder pulled out a ninja star from his armor.The ninja star had the Hamato clan symbol on it.

Sh:One of my henchmen brought me this one day and I recognised the clan symbol immediately.

Shredder  looked down at the ninja star that he tightly held in his hand.

Sh:I was trapped in this lie filled clan for 25 years of my life.Your masters father took me from my family when I was still a toddler.Once I found out the truth I was able to destroy almost the entire clan.But,somehow,Splinter managed to make this easier for yourselves,tell me where he is and I'll let you live long enough to see him dying.

He said,his head still down at the direction of the ninja star in his hand but his eyes were slightly oinned on them.

Arvy,as well as her brothers were clutching on their weapons hard,enraged by his words.At that second,Arvy had understood his plan.He was trying to make them angry in order to be more vulnerable.She took deep breaths to calm herself down.Her heart was beating so fast she felt like it would pop out of her chest.

A:I would rather die than tell you where he is.

She said with such deteremination in her voice that the shredders eyes widened in shock and disbelief and his head to come up fast.The next moment happened in a matter of seconds but it seemed like it was in slow motion.

Shredder started laughing a little and turned his back on her and took a few steps away.When they thought he was far enough they agreed to start walking away slowly.But deep down Arvy was on edge.At a split second Shredder turned around throwing the ninja star with all his strentgh towards Arvy.

Just as the ninja star was close to her,she turned and streched her hand out,as in protection stance,making everyone gasp on what they were witnessing,including Shredder.The ninja star was floating a few inches before her hand and after a second dropped on the floor.

Shredder was looking at what was happening in disbelief and shock.Even though he was wearing a metal helmet you could easily tell he was shocked.

Then,he attacked them.First he started running towards Mikey when Arvy ran to him with her sword out ready to protect him.Her sword made contact with his claws from his gauntlet.

He kept pushing but she was pushing back strong.While she was still pushing,he found a chance to hit her right foot and make her lose balance .

When she was down he kicked her stomach making her slide across the rooftop.Raph,Leo and Donnie ran to fight him while Mikey was helping Arvy.When she was up she ran again at him to help.

*a few minutes later*
(Cause idk how to add fight details.Im like...useless at this)

The fight kept going.It didnt look good for the core 5.They were getting beaten mercilessly.They were struggling even to dodge his attacks and blows.They were trying keep going but it was too hard for them when everysecond they were hit hard.All of them were down,well almost all of them,Arvy was still fighting with the tiny strength she had left.Unfortunately,that didnt last long.

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