𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑒

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"Why didn't you just kill her and call it a day?" The couple were in Bambina's office.

"More fun the way I did it." Bambina shrugged carelessly as she spun in her wheelchair.

Marcello chuckled as he leant back onto the wall.

The door opened, and two girls came in, both bowing their heads respectfully.

"Talia!" Bambina smiled at the tween who stood beside Charly.

Marcello's head shot up, his mind immediately going to the Talia that he had killed the previous year because she kept on trying to seduce him. But instead of seeing a scantily dressed woman, there was a 12-year-old girl.

Talia's outfit was simple, and her shirt just happened to be matching with her cerulean blue braces. Brown eyes observed the stranger in the room, slightly frightened as he stood tall and imposing against the wall.

"How are you?" Bambina had washed all the blood off of her hands.

"I'm good Donna, and you?" Charly smiled optimistically, eyes moving from the man to Bambina.

"Talia, I keep telling you, it's Estelle," the two hugged, and no one's boobs were in anyone's faces because they were the same height.

"And I keep tell you that you can call me Lia," the girl smiled and Bambina turned to Charly, the older sister.

"Is everything ok?"

Charly smiled, "Lia just wanted to see you."

Talia's face went red, "No," she scoffed, "Saint asked if he could come over, and me, being the great sister I am, have decided to tell you, plus, I'm sure that Angel will be excited."

Marcello's jaw clenched at the mention of an unknown man, and the way that Bambina reacted made him even angrier, as she clasped her hands together in anticipation as her eyes flashed with excitement.

"She would love that, you guys should come over for dinner tonight." The Donna invited and Charly smiled.

"We can bring dessert, I know how much you like mum's apple pie." Hearing the offer, Bambina's eyes lit up like a child who was just told that she can have candy before dinner.

"Yes, please!" Bambina then turned to Marcello, who was still making the two other girls feel uncomfortably nervous at his mere bulk size, "Marcy, you have to try Mia's apple pie, it is literal heaven."

His mood was lightened a bit by her excitement, but only by a little, a boy was still going over to her house for dinner.

After a while of conversation with Charly and Talia, the two girls left the room.

"You are coming right?" Bambina looked to Marcello.

Feeling very salty and petty, Marcello grumbled in reply, "I don't understand why you're boyfriend is already going."

Honestly, even if he wasn't invited, Marcello would still have gone, just because he could, and because he was an overbearing Alpha male.

"What?" Bambina laughed in confusion.

"You didn't want me to bring any woman around, because you didn't want Angel to see them as a mother figure, yet you are actively bringing a male to have dinner at your house and to constantly interact with my daughter. That's hypocritical." Marcello leant forward, away from the wall as he unconsciously began to walk towards the desk.

Realising what he was saying, Bambina laughed, "Oh Marcy, just come to dinner." she shook her head in amusement and rolled her eyes.


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