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Bambina hopped off of the bus, the rain still pouring down onto her hair as she rushed to the safety of the two-story orphanage.

Opening the unlocked front door, Bambina stumbled in and her 'building mother' immediately rushed to her side.

"Estelle! Where were you?" Miranda's sharp voice reached her ears.

"I missed the bus, Mira." Bambina smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Hurry Estelle!" Miranda rushed her to the bathroom, thrusting a dress and undergarments into her arms before shutting the door behind her.

Giggling under her breath she hopped in the shower, washing and getting out quickly - the guests would be arriving soon. The dress that Miranda handed to her was a slip-on, off white with spaghetti straps and a box neckline, and the bottom of the dress had pink flowers embroidered. The bra that was given had no padding, just as well, since Bambina wasn't fully developed.

Fully dressed, she left her hair out to dry while leaving the bathroom with her hands full of her things. She looked to her right and her face went red.

Puck, her best friend was standing there with no shirt on, his arms balancing a stack of books as his glasses looked as if they were about to fall off.

"Puck! Put a shirt on!" Bambina screeched covering her eyes.

"I was going to but Hela barged into my room and told me to take these books to the library." Puck grumbled as he replied.

Hela was their floor supervisor, she was strict and mean, but fair, making sure that no one put a toe out of line.

"Just wait for a second," Bambina rushed to her room - it was quite plain, a small grey room with a bed in the middle - since she was one of the older ones, she got her own room.

Dumping her things on her bed and her dirty clothes in her hamper, she went back out to help Puck with the books, taking half of the load and walking with him to the library.

"So are you excited?" Puck questioned, as they began to sort the books.

"A little, I hope this is my day." Bambina smiled hopefully and Puck smiled at his friend.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Puck exclaimed as they finished, and she looked at him oddly.

Shaking his head he dragged her to his room, and sitting her on his bed before turning to his wardrobe, he brought out a small navy box and handed it to her.

"What is this?" She admired the box, it had a fancy name in gold and the material was nice and smooth.

"Just open it," Puck sat beside her.

She opened it and gasped, "It's beautiful Puck!"

In the box was a short rose gold necklace, hanging from it, was a love heart gem the colour of peach. The chain looked so thin and delicate, she was almost afraid it would break upon touching it.

"May I put it on you?" She nodded in response, still in shock as he placed it around her neck, "Look behind the charm."

On the other side of the heart had the words 'Remember me, Puck' inscribed.

"How could you afford this?" The heart rested halfway between the top of her breasts and the bottom of her neck.

"I picked up a few jobs," he shrugged modestly, Puck had actually in fact gotten involved with a gang as a simple dealer, since no one would give an unstable orphan boy a job.

"You should save it! Not spend it on me." Bambina pouted, looking back at Puck's blue eyes.

"I wanted to," Puck pushed back his curly brown hair as he flashed her a smile.

"You are a gift from heaven, and I hope we never part," she lurched forward and hugged Puck's thin body.

"Estelle!" Miranda called out.

Rushing out and waving farewell, she slipped on some shoes and met Miranda in her study. Standing near the frizzy-haired woman were two people, a man and a woman, the woman had her blonde hair in a strict bun and the man stood straight, no expression on his face. Both of them wore first-class suits.

"Good evening," Bambina did a little curtsey.

"Good manners." The woman nodded sharply.

"A bit too casually dressed." The man stared at her intently.

Bambina bit her lip nervously.

"Come sit, you can ask Estelle more questions," Miranda pulled Bambina to sit in her seat, "Estelle, this is Mr and Mrs Pellis."

"When did your parents die?" Mr Pellis asked.

"Excuse me?" Bambina spluttered, gaping.

"She doesn't give proper answers it seems." Mrs Pellis muttered - quite loudly.

"A year ago," Bambina replied biting her lip once more.

"Good enough." The couple shared a look before standing, "Thank you for your time, we will get back to you." The wife informed them before leaving.

Bambina possibly couldn't be staying with them! Could she?

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