When Love Walked In

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Warnings: very mild smut, brief mention of self harm (blink and you'll miss it)

Y/n takes a drag and squirms under Richie's glance, just knowing that he's going to pick on her, as per usual.

"Hmmm.... Y/n, truth or dare?"

Figures. "Um, truth." Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to Richie.

"What was the farthest you and Bill have ever gone?"

Her cheeks turn pink as she passes the joint to Bill, her boyfriend since the age of thirteen. "Well-"

"Was this really necessary, Trashmouth?" Ben interrupts. "I'd much rather not know about my sister's sexual life, thank you."

"Close your ears if you want to, Benny," Y/n giggles while he fumes over the nickname. "Probably just hickeys and groping."

"Really? You've been dating for three years and that's it?" Stanley raises his eyebrows.

"Okay, St-Stan, y-y-you talk to m-me when you've lost your vir-virginity."

"Come on, Big Bill, we all know you've been ready to have sex with her since sophomore year."

Richie knows he messed up right away, especially as everyone stares at him accusingly- everyone but Y/n, who awkwardly looks around the room and sings under her breath like she didn't hear.

"N-nice, R-R-Richie," Bill whispers.

"Bill, I am so sorry."

Y/n still feigns oblivion and scans the room. "Bev, truth or dare?"

"Dare," she shrugs, continuing the game. Y/n tries to forget about what happened until it's time to leave the clubhouse. Her ride, conveniently enough, is Bill.

He didn't want to leave his car on the outskirts of the barrens, so instead he pedals Silver to the clubhouse and back, with Y/n squeezing the living daylights out of him. It's a quiet ride back, save the strange, existential comments Bill occasionally makes and her singing Can't Fight This Feeling on repeat. It's not until he's almost back to Y/n's house that she gathers enough courage to say what she wants to.

Because, in all honesty, she's been ready to have sex too, just way too shy to say so.

"So... when do your parents come back from their cruise?"

She asks it casually, as if to wonder what day their English test is. In fact, it's so casual that Bill doesn't even take the hint (although it may not help that he's utterly stoned at the moment).


"And are you doing anything Saturday night?"

He skids Silver to a stop on the pavement. "No..."

"So what time do you want me to come over?"
Singing happily, Y/n twists the last strand of hair around her curling iron and lets it tumble over her shoulder. She's struggled with self esteem issues in the past, but she personally thinks she looks beautiful right now. While she puts on her pineapple lip gloss, her brother comes into the bathroom to grab some ibuprofen.

"You look awfully nice to sleep over at Bev's," he comments.

She freezes. "Yup...."

"Is there a reason that you're so dressed up?" he gestures to her lavender party dress.

"We're, uh, going to see Pippin at the fancy theater," she fibs smoothly, but her twin sees right through her and smirks.

"Oh, funny, I thought opening night was next week?"

Y/n glares. "Okay, fine, I'm sleeping over at Bill's, okay? But you can't tell mom, please?"

"I don't know, Y/n, this is a pretty big secret to hide."

"Come on, Ben, I keep all of your secrets!"

He gives a cough that sounds a lot like the beer in my room.

"Hey, that was your own fault for breaking my favourite tape."

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