The Best Gift

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Part two of Beach House!
Warnings: nsfw, very brief mention of mental illness

"Okay, did we hide everything? Condoms, birth control, cuffs, lingerie? Oh my god, the weed?!"

"I d-d-don't think they'll b-b-be going th-through our druh-drawers, Y/n," Bill chuckles, hugging her from behind.

Y/n lets out a nervous sigh, but relaxes in his arms. Life with Bill has been magical. Despite their constant bickering, they're still all over each other twenty four seven. Any down time, they absolutely have to be touching in some way. Holding hands, cuddling, kissing, dry humping, having sex. Any and every kind of physical contact.

But now, for five excruciating days, they have to keep their hands to themselves. Grace, Shannon, and Georgie are coming up to visit during Thanksgiving break. They still don't know that Bill and Y/n have been sleeping together. It's a miracle that they've been able to hide it for so long, especially when they were at the beach house this past summer. That's where it all started.

After Bill and Y/n spend hours on cleaning up and hiding anything suspicious, there's a knock on the door. They open it and the three are on the other side, bursting with excitement. First, they give hugs and kisses and then show them around the apartment.

"Um, this is our pull out sofa. We take turns sleeping on it every other night while the other takes the bedroom," Y/n tells the lie they practiced.

"Oh cool! Can I sleep on here?" Georgie asks. "It's by the kitchen!"

Bill and Y/n steal a glance, before giving a "what the hell?" look to their mothers.

"Well," Shannon says nervously, "We were hoping Georgie could stay with you? Grace and I just checked into our hotel, and it's only two single beds."

They won't get to show affection at night now, either. It sounds thrilling.


"We'd love to have Georgie stay with us!" she discreetly kicks Bill's ankle.

"Uh... yeah! Y-y-you can tuh-take the sofa, we'll tr-tr-trade the b-bed and the floor."

Y/n nods with a bright smile on her face. At least they'll be able to share the bed in secret. That's a step up from when they had to have separate beds in the same room. Torture.

"Hell yeah!" Georgie agrees, already starting to set it up and looking through cabinets for the blankets.

"G-G-Georgie! Get out of-of our st-stuff!"

Putting a hand on Bill's shoulder to calm him, Y/n gently says, "Hey, we keep our extra bedding supplies in the bedroom. I'll go get them."

"If you n-n-need some-something, l-l-let us know. Yuh-you're our g-g-guest."

It takes all of their strength for the lovers to not smirk at each other.

Later that night, Bill and Y/n are in their room, getting ready for bed.

"That was good," she says, fluffing the pillows. "The whole 'you're our guest' shit?"

"Th-th-thanks. I'm p-p-proud of it."

"Well I'm proud of you!" she reaches over to pinch his cheeks.

"F-fuck off, Y/n."

Giggling, she takes off her clothes and jumps into bed, Bill following her lead. Even if they can't do it tonight, the two still love skin on skin contact. She pulls him into her chest, letting him nuzzle his face into her neck.

"Oh my god, you're so adorable."

He smiles at her affection, letting Y/n rub his back.

"Why are you so tense, baby?"

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