Chapter 12

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The morning is normal you get ready for school, eat breakfast and walk with Noya to school. It took longer than usual to get to school but that was okay because the two of you left home early. When the two of you arrive you find Asahi at the front of the school who is waiting to help you. While you feel guilty having someone carry your stuff for you you decided it was okay as long as the person who did so was insistent on doing so.

Asahi walks you to class as Noya went off to find Tanaka, when the two of you got to your class you were early, some of the first people there, partialy because you didn't want others to see you like this. Once you have everything set up at your desk Asahi leaves for his class so he won't be late. Tsuki arrives before Asahi leaves though.

"So you have a third year following you around now?" He talks to you so casualy and he's not trying to be rude, he just wants to understand what happened that you would need someone to help you out.

"Yeah, I actually broke my wrist and sprained my ankle so it's kinda hard to carry around my stuff" You explain to him, even though you don't owe him an explaination, though you kinda do because he'd been sending you the school work for the past week. He seemed content with your answer but couldn't help but tease you a little.

"So what happened to your face then?" He said it so calmly. You weren't sure you heard him right till you remebered the scratch on your face from the bowl.

"That was just me being clumsy, like the rest of this" You say refering to yourself. You try to laugh it off but Tsuki if anything looks slightly concerned but he decides to drop it.

After that incident the day continued as normal with Asahi helping you between classes till the end of the day when Asahi didn't show up. Thankfully Tsuki and his friend Yamaguchi from class were willing to help you with your things. At least till you could find Noya.

You started feeling bad after searching for a while and decided to ask the boys about their plans for after school today.

"So Yamaguchi, since I don't really know you, and I guess same goes for you Tsuki. What exactly do the two of you like to do?" You ask, you know you sound slightly ridiculous asking them this after spending this whole time searching for Noya with them, but it can't hurt to make new friends right?

Yamaguchi smiles and pipes up answering your question,"Me and Tsuki actually both like to play volleyball. Well Tsuki might not show a whole lot of emotion he seems to like it."

"Yes, I do enjoy it, but I don't like wasting energy"Tsuki says plainly, but Yamaguchi seems surprised that he talked to you. After all you are a slight stranger to the two of them, only knowing them for the past week.

"Well I guess good news for you two that I'm hoping to join the boys volleyball team as a manager. My brother is also the Libero for the team so I know a few of the other players!"You tell them cheerfully and Yamaguchi's face lights up while Tsuki's stays neutral. He doesn't seem sure of how to feel about that, because now he will be spending more time with you whether he wants to or not.

"Speaking of volleyball isn't the club supposed to start today?"Yamaguchi asks."Then we could all go to the gym together, and Y/n since your brother plays he should meet us there then right?"

You agree to go to the gym with the boys and on the way there the three of you run into Hinata. The three of you find out from Hinata that the crazy setter from Kitagawa Daiichi  is at Karasuno and that he's stubbborn as hell. You also found out that the two of them started fighting and got temporarily kicked out of the volleyball team. You laugh it off, but Hinata seems really upset about it, but you decide he needs time to think about it alone before you try to help at all. So the original three of you continue your way to the gym.

When the three of you arrive you find Daichi, Suga, and Tanaka, but no Asahi or Noya. Seeing this makes you pretty nervous, but those you know from the boys volleyball wave to you when you walk in and those who don't know you start talking to each other. You walk up to Daichi with the two boys with you.

"Hey Y/n! Hello, are you two the new members? Tsukishima and Yamaguchi right? I'll take your club forms if you have them" The two boys pull out their club forms as Daichi continues talking." I'm Daichi and I am the boys volleyball captain this year."

He seems so serious compared to when the group of you all hang out, but that's to be expected, he's a leader here so he has to keep his guard up. You decide to sit on the sidelines for practice and ask Tanaka if he knew about Noya after, but while at practice another goddess walks into the gym. You make a guess that she's the girl Noya always talks about with Tanaka, as she walks over towards you, you freak out on the inside a bit trying to figure out what to say to someone so beautiful.

She sits down next to you,  Ahhhh, what was her name, I've heard it so many times, I just agrhhhh. You thankfully don't have to think of it as she introduces herself.

"Hi, I'm Kiyoko, and I would assume you're Y/n, Nishinoya's younger sister I believe" You were impressed that she knew who you were. After all you had only been to a few of Noya's games, and it was only your first week at this school. She must really put in a lot of effort to do anything that may help the volleyball team.

"Yeah, I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you Kiyoko. Also your hair looks really nice today."You compliment her not really knowing what to say to someone like her.

Soon the two of you get called out to help the boys practice. Which ends soon after, being the first practice it was fairly short and after cleanup you go to search for Tanaka.

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