Chapter 13

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When you catch Tanaka's attention he seems confused, but he walks over to you to see what's up.

"Hey, Tanaka, do you know where Noya is? I would've texted him, but my phone died during school." Tanaka doesn't seem worried about Noya, so you relax a bit, but you will probably need someone to walk you home.

"Yeah, I could tell you, but I think it's better you hear it from him, I'll walk you home though. Sound good?" You're thankful for his offer and agree. The way home is pretty chill, though the closer to home you get the more curious you get.

"Tanaka, if you know why Noya wasn't at practice do you know why Asahi wasn't there?" You couldn't hold back this question any longer. You were worried when he didn't show up after class and wanted to make sure he was okay.

"You should wait till we get home for me to answer anything" This answer only makes you more worried. The two of you finish the rest of the walk in silence.

By the time the two of you reached your house it was almost dark so you sent Tanaka home and decided to confront Noya yourself.

When you got inside Noya was in a bad mood. He was at the dinner table and he had made dinner, but he was sitting by himself his head in his hands his elbows on the table.

"Hey, what's up Noya?" You ask softly, you don't want to make anything worse, but you do want to be there for your brother.

"It's just all my fault," He sounds so upset with himself."It's all my fault that he quit, and now he won't come back. I'm so lost Y/n, I don't even deserve to be on the team if I can't make my team feel safe with the ball." After that statement you started to understand."I can't even play if I want to, I'm kicked off the team for the next month due to the stupid Vice Principal. It's just so frustrating. I didn't want Asahi to leave, I just wanted to talk to him about what he said to you, but then I let my anger get the best of me, and it's just all my fault."

You don't even know how to respond to all that Noya said, and just walked up to your brother and hugged him till he seemed to calm down a bit.

"Thanks Y/n" He was very grateful to have a sister like you, one who was kind and listened to him.

"I know this is all fresh in your mind right now, so I think you should get some rest, drink some water and we can talk about this more later, but for now I think you need to get your rest." Noya seemed to agree with what you said so you went and got him some water to drink.

As you return Noya realizes, he forgot to tell you about his suspension for the next week. He just figured he would tell you in the morning, he knows you rely on him to wake up, so he would still need to get up ontime. He helped you to your room after you ate dinner and then went to bed.

You had other ideas though once going into your room. You pulled out your phone and started texting with Asahi and some of the others.

Notificaion 1: Tsuki + Yamaguchi Group Chat

Yamaguchi: Y/n did you make it home safe?

Tsuki: Did the two of you do your homework for tonight?

Yamaguchi: Thanks for the reminder Tsuki!

Y/n:  I made it home safe, but Noya was really upset, and I think Asahi quit.

Yamaguchi:  Who's Asahi?

Tsuki: Her boyfriend?

Y/n: Seriously Tsuki? You don't remember? You met him earlier, and he's just a friend.

Tsuki: Whatever you say, but the way the two of you look at eachother says otherwise. Anyways, Y/n did you get your homework done?

Y/n: Shoot! No, I totally forgot!

Tsuki: Do you think you'll need any help with it?

Y/n:  Maybe, I haven't looked at it yet but if I need help can I call you?

Tsuki: Sure, as long as it's not too late. I like my sleep.

Yamaguchi: Yeah, Tsuki without his sleep gets really crabby.

Y/n: Well then I should go start my work!

While doing your school work you start texting Asahi.

Y/n: You doing okay? You didn't show up after school, it's totally okay, I just missed you.

Asahi: I'm really sorry about that. Me and Noya got in a fight, I really don't want to lose my friends on the team, but I can't go back if I'm not strong enough. I need to be able to break through, but I can't see the other side anymore.

Y/n: It's okay, we can work together till you can see it again. Okay? You still want to be there right? You still love volleyball don't you?

Asahi: Yeah, I guess you're right, I still love volleyball. I think I just need time.

Y/n: Well then lets work together and take all the time you need alright?

Asahi: Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. We should get some sleep though because there's school tomorrow.

Y/n: Yeah I guess so. Alright then Good night and sweetest of dreams.

Asahi: Good night Y/n, sleep well.

You don't go to sleep right after due to needing to finish your homework, which happens to be confusing when you miss school for a week. So you check the time and decide to text Tsuki and see if he's still awake and willing to help.

Y/n: You up?

Tsuki: Yeah, suppose I am.

Y/n: Can you help me with the homework?

Tsuki: Yeah, just give me a minute. We should video chat so I can write things down.

You set things up so you can video chat while working on the school work. Once you're set up you call Tsuki and he answers.

"Hey Y/n. So what do you need help with?" He asks, he seems happy to be talking with you.

"Well I kinda got the math, but English and Japanese, language isn't really my strong suit"You are a little embarrassed to admit that you're having trouble, but you really appreciate him helping you.

The two of you work through the school work, Tsuki refusing to give you any answers until you got them yourself, with some help of course. The two of you shared some laughs and sometimes you felt like screaming but overall it was a good experience.

When the two of you finally finished the work neither of you had realized how late it got. So when you finally saw the time you freaked out, it being almost two am on a school night, meaning you had been working together for almost three hours. You quickly said your good byes and went to sleep. You totally forgetting about the previous events that day.

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