Chapter 5 The Deed

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~Dipper's P.O.V~

We all had finished our breakfast. It's about 7 in the morning and we have nothing elese to do. So, I decided to read my journal. For some reasons, I kept reading and re-reading the page about Bill Cipher. Something about (Y/N) reminds me of the things i have read about him. But it could just be a coincidence right? She's a really nice girl!

~Your P.O.V~

Mabel was watching some show on the television and Dipper was reading his journal. I had nothing to do so I walked over to Dipper and sat beside him. He seems to be reading about dad. I wonder why?

~Mabel's P.O.V~

I was really bored. The TV programmes weren't even interesting! So, I headed to the gift shop to see what Grunkle Stan has for sale.

I looked around and found something that looked like a Lightsaber. Interesting. "I think Grunkle Stan wouldn't mind if i borrow this for a moment..." I mumbled sneakily.

~Your P.O.V~

I peeked into Dipper's journal and started reading. For some reasons, I felt uneasy whenever Dipper's journal was on that page. I felt like we were being watched.

Suddenly, Mabel came into the room, carrying something in her hand. It looks like some light stick or something.

"YYYa!" Mabel shouted as she swings the light stick between Dipper's face and the book.

~Dipper's P.O.V~

Woah! The black light had revealed some words in the book! "Mabel, Can i borrow that light stick of yours?" I asked. "Sure! But remember to return it." She replied.

~Your P.O.V~

So now Dipper has the black light. I wonder what he needs it for. I continued looking at his journal but at the same time, watching what he was doing. The black light is revealing something on the pages!

"Hey guys!" Dipper said. "Look at this!"
Mabel came over to look at the journal, sitting on the other side of Dipper. "The black light is showing something on the pages that seems to be written in invisible ink. But its all written in codes!" Dipper said. I looked at it.

It was written there, 'Ohjhqg kdv lw, vrphrqh hohvh kdv vlplodu srzhuv dv Eloo Flskhu. Lw lv eholhyhg wkdw vkh lv ihpdoh dqg khu qdph lv Looxplqdwl. Zh grq'w nqrz bhw zkhwkhu vkh lv jrrg su hylo exw L grq'w zdqw wr ilqg rxw. L eholhyh wkdw vkh lv mxvw olnh Eloo. Li brx hyhu kdyh dq hqfrxqwhu zlwk khu, sohdvh eh fduhixo. L kdyh glg vrph uhvhdufk dqg l irxqg wkdw vkh lv Eloo'v gdxjkwhu. L gr eholhyh wkdw vkh lv mxvw olnh Eloo. Sohdvh eh fduhixo.' hmm... I thought. Then, I started reading the text when deciphered.

"Legend has it, someone elese has similar powers as Bill Cipher. It is believed that she is female and her name is Illuminati. We don't know yet whether she is good pr evil but I don't want to find out. I believe that she is just like Bill. If you ever have an encounter with her, please be careful. I have did some research and i found that she is Bill's daughter. I do believe that she is just like Bill. Please be careful." I stated. "Wow!" Dipper said in awe. "You read it like though it was written in proper words! Where did you learn that from?" He asked. "I just knew it..." I replied. I felt shocked after reading that and so did Dipper. But for a completely different reason. That theory was suprisingly accurate.

A while later, Stan woke up. He walked into the living room and found us all there. "Hey kids," Stan said. "Come and have breakfast" "We have already ate." Dipper, Mabel and I replied at the same time.

We all went into the gift shop, finding two people there. "Hey Soos, Hey wendy!" Dipper and Mabel called. "Hey." Wendy and Soos said.

Soon after, It started raining. Stan was watching some television programme while Dipper and Mabel were playing a game of Conflict Boat. I sat nearby watchimg them play. I looked at Mabel's board and saw that the pegs were arranged like a kitten. I let out a small laugh. "What is it?" Dipper asked. Just as I was about to reply, Stan's voice travveled to our room, saying, "Kids! Come quick!"

Bill Cipher's daughter: A Dipper X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now