Straight Simpin

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JJ thinks he's all big and bad, saying he would never ever be caught simping over a girl. That is until John B and Pope catch him doing exactly that with you.

Requested by @danicarosaline on Tumblr 💙 If you want to request something, just message me or leave a comment!

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 1418


"Every time she's around, your eyes are glued on her, dude," JJ teased his curly-headed best friend who sat across the table from him.

"I gotta say you have it bad for Sarah Cameron," Pope adds on as he munches on a french fry. John B shoots him a glare before coming back at him.

"I have it bad?" He questions as he gestures towards the girl with long brown curly hair who is helping her father behind the counter. "Have you seen the way you are with Kie? You are one hundred percent a simp for the girl." A small smile spreads upon the dark-skinned boy's face as he tugs his hat down a little lower to hide his blushing cheeks.

"What? I like her, man. Nothing wrong with that," Pope tells him as JJ lets out a chuckle.

"I'll tell you two suckers one thing. You will never catch me all mushy and gushy over a girl like y'all are. That shit's lame." The two boys collectively roll their eyes at JJ knowing as soon as you showed up, his tough guy act would fall to the floor in an instant and he would be all over you.

"Okay, whatever," John B scoffed before taking a sip of his water.


"Sorry guys! I didn't mean to come so late. They had me held up at work later than expected," you rush the words out as you plop down in the seat between JJ and Pope and set your bag down next to you on the floor.

"About damn time. I was beginning to think you forgot about us," John B spoke from across the table.

"How could I forget about you guys?" You giggle as you ruffle your fingers through JJ's hair. He sends a sweet smile your way before pulling your hand out of his golden locks and placing it down on your thigh.

"Have you eaten today?" He questions as he fixes the blonde strands you just threw all over the place.

"Not since like ten this morning. I'm fucking starving," you say as you place a hand on your growling stomach. JJ pushes his plate of fries towards you before turning around to the counter at The Wreck.

"Kie, we need some food in here! Y/n hasn't eaten since this morning! Here, eat my fries until she brings you something." You do as asked of you and giggle at the boy beside you. You notice small snickers coming from John B and Pope but think nothing of it. In what feels like no time at all, Kie comes out with some food for you and takes a seat at the table as well.

"So how was work today, y/n?" She inquired but by the rolling of your eyes, she could tell it was not a good day.

"It was literally the fucking worst. When I got there, the place was so busy with almost no one working so I had to deal with all that. Then, a group of stuck up kooks came in and would pick clothes up but then throw them back down all messed up, so I'd have to go behind them and refold everything. And then, oh my God, the worst part was this guy who came in the store and at first, I was like he's kinda cute but then he kept trying to talk to me and hitting on me in a gross way and I was clearly uninterested. Then I go to the back of the store to get something and he follows me, grabs my ass, and says 'The only thing in this store that I want is you'. I literally wanted to vomit."

"Ew," Kie comments and you nod your head in agreement.

"Yeah, I know."

"Do you know who he is? Or his name?" JJ asks from beside you, but you shake your head at him.

"I think I've seen him hang out with Kelce before but that's it," you inform him before turning your attention back to the food sitting in front of you.

"Was it that Justin guy?" He further presses on the issue that you could care less about.

"Maybe? I don't know. I don't know a Justin. Why's it such a big deal?"

"Because he touched you and was being a perv and I won't hesitate to cave his face in." You could see him getting riled up, so you placed your hand on top of his balled-up fist, feeling it loosen under your touch.

"Easy there tiger. I am fine. No need to get all worked up or fight someone." His blue eyes soften when they make eye contact with yours and you give his hand a little pat before going back to eating. The crew around you continues to converse as you eat. You can feel JJ looking over at you every once in a while, but you shake it off. Just when you finish your meal, an upbeat song comes on the radio and all you want to do is dance.

"Would you care to dance with me?" You ask the blonde who sat to your right. A small grin grew on his face as he nodded his head. You stood up and held a hand out to him, which he gladly took as you eagerly dragged him over to an empty spot near the radio. As the two of you goofily danced and swayed, your group of friends discussed what was happening between you and JJ.

"They are so cute," Kie gushed from her seat as she watched the two of you sway to the music. She smiled, seeing the biggest grin spread on your face after JJ twirled you around before pulling you back towards him. "They are so fucking adorable. I don't get why they don't just date already."

"I don't know either, but JJ has it so bad for that girl," Pope adds. John B nods in agreement before speaking.

"He's straight simpin, bro." The two boys laugh at the dancing boy who had said only moments before that he would never be 'all mushy and gushy over a girl'. John B and Pope continue joking about the lovesick blonde until the song ends and you and JJ come back to the table, giggling.

"Did you two have fun?" John B asked you with a mischievous smile on his face. You rolled your eyes before responding.

"Yeah, I did. Did you, JJ?" You asked, turning towards him. He nodded his head before shooting a warning glare to the Routledge boy. Pope chuckled beside you before changing the subject and carrying on a conversation with Kiara. An hour or so passes and tiredness falls over you as you let out a small yawn.

"I think I'm going to go. I'm exhausted after work today and I have to go back tomorrow," you announce as you stand from your chair and push it in behind you.

"Want me to walk with you?" JJ asks.

"No, it's okay. You can stay and hang. Don't worry about me."

"You sure?" He questions once more and you nod, another yawn spilling past your lips. You say your goodbyes and leave the restaurant.

"Oh y/n, have you eaten anything today?" John B mocks JJ's sweet and caring actions from earlier.

"Yeah, and do you want to dance with me?" Pope adds to the torment.

"She asked me to dance," JJ defended himself.

"But you said yes," John B counters as JJ sits back and lets him talk, knowing that it would not be long before he would catch him doing the same thing with Sarah Cameron.

"So, you're saying that if the kook princess waltzed up in here and asked you to dance with her, you would decline?" JJ asked the shaggy-haired boy. John B stayed quiet, knowing full and well that he would dance with Sarah if given the chance.

"That's what I thought," JJ spoke as Pope giggled loudly at John B's embarrassment. "Oh, zip it, you know you'd do the same if the girl of your dreams asked you too." Kie laughed at JJ's effectiveness to shut the other boys down, but she was completely oblivious of the fact that she was the girl of Pope's dreams.

"Okay boys, help me clean up around here, and then let's go, alright?" Kie asked and the three nodded as they began to pick up their plates and continue picking on each other about their love lives.

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