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Later that night
I was asleep when I woke up coughing like crazy. I then felt some pats on my back which startled me because Jahseh didn't sleep in my room. I turned around and to my surprise, there Jahseh was

"Bruh, you scared the shit outta me" I say

"Don't call me that" he says sounding hurt

"What? Bruh?" I ask

He nods

"Why not?" I ask

"I....I just don't like it" he says

"Alright, I won't" I says

"That's what i love about you...you always respect my wishes" he smiles

I laugh

I lay my head down and fall back asleep.
It was the next day in the afternoon

"Hey princess" Jahseh says

"Hm" I hummed

"Wanna do a blood bond?" He aks

"Why?" I ask

"So we can be closer" he says

"But we're already close Jah" I say

"That's why I said CLOSER" he says

"We're close enough Jah" I say

"Please" he whines

"Fine" I say giving in

His face lights up

He pulls a pocket knife out of his hoodie. He placed the blade at his wrist and cut making blood come out instantly. He hands me the knife and I glide it across my wrist as well. He then grabs my wrist and places my cut on top of his. Our blood mixing together burned

"Sssssss" I hiss in pain

"It's almost over" he says

"Ight it's over" he says letting go of my wrist

He pulls out some liquid from under his bed, pots it on a cotton ball and dabs it on my cut.

"Sssssss.Fuck" I say due to the pain

He does the same to his cut

"This is so they won't get infected" he says

I nod my head

"Now when something is wrong with one of us we know because the cut with start tingling" he says

"Oh I didn't know it did all that" I say surprised

He laughs

He then pulls out two band aids and places one of them on my cut and the other on his

Y/n and JahsehWhere stories live. Discover now