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💔 2 years today💔

I woke up the next day and went to the bathroom. When I wiped there was blood on the tissue but none in my underwear so I must've just started.

I put a pad in my underwear and continued with my day.
It was the afternoon when I got a horrible cramp. I layed on my back with my arms over my eyes. Jahseh walked out the bathroom because he was in the shower.

"Owww.......fuck" I whispered

"You okay mama?" Jahseh asked

"Cramps" I reply

"Oh....they kickin yo ass again?" He asked

I nodded

He lifted up my shirt and gently rubbed my stomach.

"I wish I can deal with this pain instead a of you" he says

"trust me.....you don't wanna deal with this pain" I say

He was rubbing my stomach until I fell asleep

"Mama" Jahseh gently shakes me awake

"Mama" he says again

I flutter my eyes open

"Hm" I hummed

"We boutta go" he says

"K" I say

I tried to sit up but immediately got hit with another cramp

"Ssssss" I hiss in pain and lay back down

Jahseh looks at me with a hurt expression because I know he hates seeing me in pain

"Imma get you some pain killers" he says grabbing my shoes. I was still laying on the bed when he sat where my feet were and put my shoes on for me.

"Ight lets go" he says holding his hand out. I grab his hand and slowly get up. I stood up and Jahseh wraps his hand around my waist as we walked out the hotel.

We made it to the car and he opened my door for me then walked to his side and got in the car. While he was driving my cramps were getting worse. They were so bad that I started tearing up. Jahseh glanced over at me as I was sniffling.

"Don't cry mama" he says

He leaned my seat back so I was laying down. He put his hand under my shirt and started rubbing my stomach again. He pulled up to a Walgreens.

"Imma leave you in here while I go in okay?" He says while wiping my tears.

"Take this just in case" he says handing me a taser.

I took it and gave him a weak smile. He kissed my cheek before exiting the car. His lips were so soft. I was falling back asleep when I heard the car door open. I looked over and seen that Jahseh has bought some pain killers, a water bottle, and some chocolate.

"Awww Jahseh" I say

He smiles at me

"Here take these" he says handing me two of the pain killers

I took them and he handed me the water bottle to wash them down. I started chugging the water down

"Damn" he says

I laughed

"YAY you can laugh" he says making me giggle

He hands me the chocolates and I start eating them.

Y/n and JahsehWhere stories live. Discover now