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At night
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Me and Jahseh slept in our own rooms for once. I was asleep when I woke up outta nowhere. My cut from the blood bond was tingling. I remember Jahseh told me if the cut starts tingling then something was wrong with whoever you did the blood bond with. Something was wrong with Jahseh. I got up and walked into his room. All the lights were off so he was asleep. I walked into his room and turned the lights on. Jahseh was sitting on his bed silently crying. I could tell by his sniffing and his low sobs.

"Seh" I say calmly

"I can't get her voice out my head" he cried

I sat on his bed and lifted his head up with my hands on each side of his face

"Princess?" He says caressing my cheek

" it was just a dream" he whispers to himself

He pulls me in for a hug, putting his face in the crook of my neck as I feel his warm tears run down my skin. I lifted his face up by his chin.

"What happened?" I asked

"I-I had a dream that you ended your life and I woke up, you weren't there so I thought it really happened" he cried

"Seh, I would never do that to you" I comfort him

He started bawling his eyes out right in front of me. I put his face back in my neck because I never seen him cry like this before and it broke me.

"I don't know what I'll do if you were ever taken away from me" he cries

I lifted his head up and softly kissed his cheek making him blush

"I love you" we said in sync causing surprised looks to form on our faces

"Well....I fuckin love you" he says

"We just said that" I laughed

"No you said 'I love you' I said Ifuckin love you'.....there's a difference" he says

He just looks at me and I look at him. His eyes travel from my eyes to my lips.

"There's something I've been wanting to do for a minute now, can I do it?" He says

"Sure" I say

He then leans in and softly placed his lips on mine.

He pulls away smiling and I blushed

He pulled me in for another hug
It was quiet for a while until I heard quiet snores coming from Jahseh. I figured he wanted me to sleep with him so I did

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