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Ginny came home to her rustic apartment in Italy, after finishing one of her assignments. Her house was a nice coming home to after her intense work life, so decorated it with everything she loved;

Each wall hosted some kind of poetry or artwork- making it look like a show room, instead of her actual home. There was not one piece of clutter, for she was barely there, and enjoyed a clean space. Her kitchen and bathroom walls were tiled with tiles from all over the globe- each representing one of her targets. It was like a tally chart she kept, reminding her of her 213 successes. Each tile had its own story, and Ginny remembered every one.

The tile that showed two tigers, sat next to her shower and was her souvenir from Peru. It was her fifth assignment, and one of her finest. Her orders were to eliminate a small wizard terrorist group, who were leaking magic into the muggle world.

It was a fairly quick job, taking two days less than expected and allowing Ginny to have two days free to do as she pleased. Ginny chose site seeing and visited the ancient site of Machu Picchu, becoming friends with one of the tour guides there.

He was a muggle man named Alfredo, and studied ancient history at Cambridge University the year before. He was two years older then Ginny, and after making up a story of dropping out of college in Alaska, the two took lengthy walks around the historic site.

When she had to leave, Ginny felt a small pang in her heart, but did manage to give him a kiss on the cheek before she left, and was given his phone number- though she did not own a phone. Ginny couldn't handle muggle technology.

A more lengthy assignment was her 147th job, her token, a tile painted with a beautiful sunset. Her target was a woman in her forties, who sold magical objects to muggles. Since she was extremely rich and very influential, Ginny had to get close to her before she could be eliminated.

A weeks worth of cleaning the woman's luxurious home, allowed Ginny to get close enough to kill her. The surprised look in her eye never alowed Ginny to forget the life she took, adding to the forever growing pile of bodies she created.

However, Ginny knew these people were bad, and after having her fair share of bad people, allowed herself to brush of the guilt.

Up to the moment of their death, Ginny enjoyed the dance of battle; thriving off the unexpected lashes, and the rush of adrenaline running through her veins. However, when she killed someone- watched their heart slowly stop beating and the last breath of air to leave their lungs- Ginny found herself losing the last few bits of her soul she had left.

Before joining The Hit, Ginny was a professional quidditch player and the best chaser of the Holly Head Harpies. The thrill of roaming the air freely was the only thing she missed after leaving her old life, but being a hit witch had its perks.

It was dangerous and fulfilling, everything Ginny needed to feel complete. The adrenaline pumping through her veins kept her moving and allowed her to never give up- no matter the consequence. It payed well too- though not as honest a living as Quidditch, but a hell of a lot more money.

Rarely, her assignments would get out of hand, but when they did, Ginny found herself reminded as to why she loved her job. It was unpredictable and forever changing, keeping her on her toes.

She was the best hit witch in the business- anyone who needed the job done properly would go to her- muggle or magic. She even had the ministry reach out to her from time to time. Her rich clients making her rather wealthy.

But to kill someone wasn't simple. When Ginny first decided to change her career, she had to do research. From her schooling, Ginny knew the main spells, and thanks to the Carrows, she knew how to preform a few unforgivables, but to have a job of killing, she needed to know everything.

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