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"You okay?" Asked Draco, to a frozen Ginny.

"Err." She breathed, trying to clear the mist that fogged her vision.

"Ginny." He said, shaking her arm.

Thankfully that managed to pull her out of the fog and threw her back to reality. Her eyes met Draco's concerned ones and answered.

"I'm fine." She said, looking at the road.

Not fully convinced at her answer, but letting it go- for now- Draco nodded, and continued to drive.

A small cry from the back seat, caused Ginny to spin round, thinking of immediate danger and raised her wand, alert. Expecting to see Dexter or Rosa near the car, Ginny's brows raised, as she saw a blue Emma, her bottom lip prodding out, as she looked to the floor.

Following her gaze, Ginny saw one of her gloves on the car mat, and sighed.

"I'll get it." She mumbled, as she lent over to pick up the glove and secure it back on her small hand.

As it slipped on, the child's face brightened, and Ginny noticed a small speck of white, sticking out from her gums.

"What's that?" Ginny asked, as she leant closer, to see a small tooth poking out.

"Nice." Ginny said, chuckling to herself, as she turned back to the front seat, "Emma's got her first tooth."

"No way!" Beamed Draco, as he took a short glance to the child's wide open mouth, "Good job Em! Give me five." He exclaimed, as he stuck his hand out, for Emma to hit.

"Want us to teach you to brush them when we get home?" Ginny asked, as Emma nodded her head, excitedly.

As Ginny turned to the window, a disturbing thought came to her mind.

"What if they know where we live?" She asked, fearful.

"Don't worry." Draco assured her, "I put up the best wards all around the house and forest. None have been triggered so far, so it's still safe."

"For now." Ginny added, "It'll only be a matter of time before they find us." She spoke, agitated.

"And when they do, we'll be prepared." He reassured her calmly, as she sighed.

"I still can't believe the mess we are in." She tutted.

"I know." Draco agreed, as they neared the house, "but at least the best in the business aren't out to get us." He smiled, forcing Ginny to crack a grin.

"I suppose. I guess this is just another way of getting rid of the competition." She smirked, as Draco nodded in satisfaction.

"There we go. The only quirk is we have to protect a kid, along with the ass kicking. Should be simple." He said, as they reached the house.

Once the car parked, they stepped out of the car and walked into their home, absorbing its warmth.

"Are you going to help unload the car?" Draco asked Emma, who nodded her head, eagerly.

Taking her from Ginny, they walked to the boot and began dragging the shopping into the house.

"I'm going to put some long lasting food in bags for if we need to leave." Ginny said from the kitchen, as she emptied the bags of food.

"Okay. Make sure to pack a few clothes and tools." Draco called, as he closed the boot, and locked up the car.

"You know I'm a hit witch, right?" She smirked, as Draco lowered Emma onto the countertop, along with the last bag of shopping.

"Yeah. Listen, I've been thinking- do you think it's right for a hit witch and a hit wizard to bring up a kid- I mean neither of us have much experience." He said, as he helped Ginny unpack.

Humming in thought, Ginny thought about what he said.
Ginny definitely thought of that before, but never properly realised the true impact.

"I mean- obviously there will be bumps down the road, but today speaks for itself. You protected her when there was danger, and you even changed her diaper." She smiled, "you don't give yourself enough credit. You're a pretty decent fake-father."

Smiling, he nodded.

"It's just so messed up. How can a kid- that can't even walk or talk- have a bounty on her head?" He asked, as he shook his head.

"When the ministry is back on track, she'll be just like every other kid." Ginny spoke, placing some food in the fridge.

"When do you think she'll walk?" Draco asked, after a few beats of silence.

"Hmmm... She's a pretty good crawler. I recon... by the end of the month." Ginny answered, putting a lot of thought to her answer.

"The month?!" Draco cried, "no way! I recon it'll be by the end of the week- look at her. She's almost there." He said, pointing to Emma, who was crawling over the unpacked food.

"Okay then. I bet you she'll walk by the end of the month." Ginny stated, confidently.

"Okay. I'll take that bet. The winner gets the bed." He smirked, as Ginny mirrored his cocky attitude.

"You're on." She answered, shaking his hand.

As they continued to unpack, they did so in silence. The only noise was the faint laughter and childish noise from Emma, who sat on the counter, playing with one of the cans of tomatoes on the side.

Once they finished, Draco took Emma to the bathroom and began to brush her teeth, while Ginny places emergency bags around the house and outside- in case they needed a quick getaway. There were about ten bags- one in every end of the house and five dotted around the surrounding woods. She placed a larger bag in the trunk of the car, not having to charm the bags to fit more things in.

Once she was finished, she walked back into the house to hear laughter coming from the upstairs bathroom. Intrigued, she climbed the stairs and opened the bathroom door.

"Well done Emma!" Applauded Draco's voice, as Ginny saw him helping Emma brush her teeth.

"What a big girl you are." Ginny said, warmly, as she stepped into the room.

"She's growing up so fast... It's only a matter of time till she's walking." Draco smirked, as Ginny elbowed him.

"Shut your face." She said, as she picked up Emma from the counter, and washed the minty paste from her face. "You'll always be a baby. Won't you Emma?"

As Emma grinned, she grabbed the tooth paste and squeezed its contents all over herself, Ginny and the counter top, while Draco cackled, like a hyena, at the door.

Picking Emma up, Ginny stalked up to the man, as Emma drenched him in toothpaste. As he gasped, the girls now laughed, and soon a toothpaste fight broke out- the unsettling news forgotten, as the three enjoyed the time together. 

Thank you for reading xx
I'm so sorry I haven't updated anything recently! Online school is so much effort 😭😭
The Meg is the best film ever btw xxxx

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