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"So- has Ginny said anything to you? Only because no one has seen her in years. She just disappeared. Mum had a heart attack when she found out she left- only just got over it." Sighed Percy, as they joined the motorway.

"Not really. She's made a great thing for herself- she's the best Hit Witch in the wizarding world." He smiled, but only to have it whipped off his face as the two spun around, their eyes wide and mouth dropped.

"She's a hit witch?!" They both cried.

"How the hell is that better?!" Percy cried, making Emma stir.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. She gets paid to kill people- not for people to kill her." He said, shaking his head.

As Percy was about to strangle him, Audrey placed a gentle hand on his arm.

"You can kill him when we get to your mothers. There's a kid in the car." She said, quietly, as Draco readjusted her blanket, and placed his pinky in her mouth.

Audrey watched in silence as the horrible Draco Malfoy, she heard so much about, treat the baby so gently.

"Ginny chose her path. And it was a good one. She is making the world a safer place." Draco said, softly.

"Well, you've changed." Observed Percy. "Who knew you could be so... human."

Slapping his arm, Percy shrunk into his seat, looking forward to the road.

"Everyone is human, we all have a heart- no matter how hard they try to conceal it." Draco pondered.

Feeling spooked after hearing the Draco Malfoy sound so- in touch with his emotions, Audrey turned to the front, turning on the radio. A calm song began playing, as Emma's baby noises came to an end.

Draco looked over to Ginny. Her eyes were barely open, but he could still see a tiny spark in her honey orbs. He couldn't believe how much this woman had changed him- and all for the better.

As he stared at her angelic face, Draco hardly noticed himself, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"For Merlins sake. Malfoy, get your dumb ass head off my sister." Draco heard Percy demand, as he jolted awake.

"Okay okay. No need to get your knickers in a twist." He yawned, peeling his face of Ginny's pale shoulder. "Oh shit! Gin, you okay?"

"I mean she would answer you, but she's- I don't know... unconscious!" Percy replied, frustratedly, as Draco rolled his eyes, climbing over.

"I've got her. Can you take Emma?" He asked, as Percy nodded, walking to the other side of the car.

Picking Ginny up gently, he carried her bridal style to the front door, not taking his eyes off her for a second. As Audrey joined him, she opened the door, as Draco took his first glimpse to the burrow.

Compared to the manor the place was a pig sty; books sat on tables freely, and the furniture was dumped in random spots- not taking in any of the correct angles or measurements from the fire. His parents probably would have compared it to work of a child's, but Draco found it oddly comforting.

The warm glow from the fire and warm candle lights gave the rooms a homely glow- creating a sense of safety. Home made pieces of pottery and framed artwork, by the children made Draco smile. There was not one piece of homemade ornaments in Malfoy Manor. One Christmas, Draco made his parents a homemade card, and the look on their faces always made his day.

His mother tried to look proud, but failed miserably- looking more confused than anything. His father merely gave a short laugh, before patting Draco's head and walking into his office. The floor boards, that had various marks dented in, had a hand made rug- either knitted or croquette- Draco couldn't tell the difference.

As he turned to the kitchen, Draco saw Mrs Weasley, her mouth gaping as the cup she was holding clattered to the floor.

"My baby." She spoke tearfully, rushing over to look over the girl in his arms. "What did you do to her?!" She demanded through ready eyes.

"Nothing mum. He saved her. We need some of your herbs to get her back on her feet." Said Percy, carrying Emma in.

"Oh my god!" She gasped, her eyes darting to the child. "Is- is she Ginny's?"

"Err sorta. Ask Malfoy for the details, but Ginny could really use those herbs." Percy answered, handing Audrey Emma.

"My daughter- who I haven't seen in years comes to my home- unconscious- with a child and him. And you expect me to save her life?!" Molly cried, as the three adults looked at her tiredly.

Rethinking her words, she rushed to her herb cabinet. "What happened?" She asked.

"She got stabbed." Draco answered, settling her down on a couch. "I was able to heal her, but had no herbs to give her any medicine. I need some mint leaves, frogs spawn-"

"Fennel, dock leaves and pine. I fought in the war and nursed the injured- I know what I'm doing Mr." Molly scowled, as she hurried back, holding the various ingredients in her arms.

"And I wasted three years training to become a healer." Sighed Draco, as Audrey handed him Emma.

"Listen mum- you cant tell anyone they're here." Percy said, walking over to her.

"What? Why?" She cried, not taking her eyes of the medicines.

Before anyone could answer, Ginny croaked out, "D- Dad?" Causing Molly to stop. "Fred-d-y?"

Sighing, Molly forgot about the medicine and took hold of Ginny's hand.

"No dear. Not yet." She whispered, as her eyes watered. " I just got you back."

As his heart felt heavy, Draco handed Audrey Emma and attended to the remedy, picking out the correct amount of herbs and crushing them together.

"Can you open your eyes Gin?" Asked Percy, kneeling besides his mother.

Getting no response, he took Ginny's other hand, and sighed.

"She's going to be okay, mum." He smiled. "It's Ginny."

Croaking back tears, Molly took out her hanky and dabbed it on her runny nose and wet eyes.

"I know son, I know."

Thank you for reading!
Hope you liked it!
La la land is lovely xx
(Thanks for the support 💗💗💗)

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