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"Hey! What was that for?!" Exclaimed Ginny, as they appeared back to the burrow.

"You came with Emma!" Draco yelled, horrified, clutching his wound.

"You said I could!" She challenged, referring to the conversations they had before leaving.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it!" He protested, raising his hands- though dropped his left one as his shoulder erupted in pain.

As they squabbled like an old married couple, they hardly noticed the random people that popped into the burrow- including some Weasleys.

"You drugged me!" Ginny cried, as Draco rolled his eyes.

"Maybe if you agreed with me I wouldn't have had to!"

"Is that what you do to everyone who disagrees with you? Merlin." Ginny sighed, turning away from him.

As she looked around the room, her face paled as she saw who was with them.
Blaise stood by the wall smirking, while Draco tried to hide the pain his shoulder caused.

"Ginny!" Cried Neville Longbottom, running up to her and crushing her into a tight hug. "Where the hell have you been?!" He declared, as Ginny noticed a few other people standing around her.

Looking at them all, Ginny noticed how roughed you they looked. Many had busted lips or bruised eyes- while some had deeper wounds.
Neville had blood running down his face, from his ear- similar to how George looked when his ear got ripped off.

"Hey- we can reunite later- let's not forget the people who haven't made it back." McGonagall spoke, pulling the focus away from Ginny and to the long table- around which people stood. "Who are we missing?" She asked, sitting down as she grabbed some parchment and a quill.

Taking a breath, Draco muttered a healing spell on his arm, allowing the pain to go down.

As Ginny's old friends left to help in the meeting, Ginny sighed a breath of relief.

Everyone spoke all at once, making it hard for Ginny to hear the individual names.
Over the hustle of people, Ginny could see Ron looking over to her- a shallow look in his eye. A tap on her shoulder caused her to turn around.

"As I was saying, Blaise Zabini- pleasure." The chocolate skinned man Ginny faintly remembered from seconds before say.

"Oh- yeah. Ginny Weasley." She smiled, shaking his outstretched hand.

"I know." He smiled, looking as sly as a fox, "you were quite the celebrity- especially for Draco, eh?" He winked, though Draco only rolled his eyes

"Whatever Blaise." He muttered, as the three stood in a small triangle- Emma still on Ginny's front. "I've asked if Blaise can let us stay with him for a while."

Looking over to the overly relaxed man, gazing around the room. Ginny felt off, and whispered to Draco,

"What's wrong with the garage?" She asked, causing Draco to purse his lips.

"You said you don't want to say. I sorted it out. Why don't you want to go anymore?" He asked, his eyes slits.

"I just don't think we know enough about Blaise to trust him." She whispered lower, as Draco let out a frustrated sigh.

"I've known him from school- he is part of the rebellion and he saved my life. I think we can trust him." He said, salty.

Giving a reluctant nod, Ginny turned to the front, as McGonagall stood for her speech.

"The list of people missing." She began, "Christine Attlewood, Michael Niro, Hellen Asaph," the list continued, many names Ginny didn't know.
Her heart stopped as McGonagall spoke the last names.
"Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger and Teddy Lupin."

She stood in that room for what felt like a hundred hours, her posture still, eyes open. Her lips were slightly open, and though her red lipstick she wore made her seem warm, her blood ran stone cold.

As Draco looked over her- knowing how she'd react- he wasn't surprised to see Emma crying, desperate to get her mother's attention.
Placing his arm on her shoulder, he guided her towards the door, but paled when he saw who stood in its the exit.

Dressed in his minister robes, Minister King stood, a sly smirk on his mouth.

"Edward, Anastasia, how good to see you." He smirked, before Aurorors flooded into the room.

Chaos erupted.

Auroror robes consumed the roughed up resisters, and those able to flee took the opportunity, dissaperating on the spot.

"Your heads shall look fantastic on my wall." He sneered, and was bout to grab them, but Blaise stood in his way.

"Sorry King- not today." He smirked, grabbing the two and disaperating.

The intruders dressed in ministry robes ransacked the house- tearing it down. They destroyed the rebuilt building, terminating the home the family spent months to rebuild. The burrow that was once the refuge of warmth, of safety and kindness- was now a wreckage of old books and memories.

To make sure there would be nothing to keep the Weasley name alive, the minister struck a sausage finger out, pointing to the home and garage to be burnt.

With a swish of their wands, the aurorors set the buildings aflame, as orange tongues of fire ate away at the exposed wood, hand carved by Arthur Weasley himself.

No one who cared could do anything- for they were each running for their lives.

Some stayed, including Neville Longbottom, and fought heroically, managing to knockout five ministry officials, before being surrounded. With no way to carry on the fight, he disaperated.

By the end of the raid, the lasts of the rebellion lost five more members to the ministry's hands. A lucky escape for most, but some weren't so lucky. They would be taken to the ministers manor, and placed in the dungeons along with the others captured in the attempts of restoring magical equality.

The minister stood with a greedy grin on his face, looking over the burning burrow. A thick black cloud of ash coated the sky and settled on the hay and grass that surrounded the now burnt home.

Thank you for reading!
Hope u liked it!

Point break is sooooo good!
(Thank you for reminding me)
I'm obsessed with bake off rn! Recommend u watch it!

Thank u for all the love and support guys! It means the world to me!

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