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" I heard that there's a new comer in this village" My friend Priscilla said, munching a sour cream pringle. She offered me some but I declined.

"yeah , so?" I dilated my eyes on the coffee I was drinking. I sip a little of the bitter sweet drink, giving a bit of energy in my system.

" I just wonder if what he or she be, like she could be rich, maybe a millionare? or a celebrity? or maybe a doctor!" She says. Of course she would wish that. Those are the kind of person she wants to hang out with. She's not a gold digger, she just like the sound of money. As I finished my coffee, I put it in the kitchen sink and cleanse it.

" Why don't we welcome the new comer?" She jolted up the couch, frightening the heck out of me.

"Could you stop doing that?" I hissed, I'm just not the social type of person. I like to keep in myself. I like it quiet. I want to have peace and be alone. In fact, Priscilla is my best friend. I only have five friends honestly, regardless the neighbors. How I wish I could be more like her. Sociable. Fun. Wild. Priscilla is much of the popular cheerleader character in a story, the only thing is she's not. She's pretty, yeah. But she likes books more. Everybody wants to be her friend and I am very lucky to have her here with me, more of like stuck with me but eh, she doesn't complain about it.

"Oh shit! I'm going to be late!" She stood up, straightening her uniform and gathered her things all inside her shoulder bag.

"But what about the cookies I baked for you?" I pouted as she requested for one and didn't even had the chance to eat one. Poor cookies.

She looked at the raw cookie dough divided into small pieces  laying straightly on the baking sheet and then a smile perked up her lips. " Well, Give it to the new comer, I'm off! bye gotta go " she kissed my cheek and went out to her car, driving to work. She's a waitress at T.G.I. Fridays. that's why I always have the food in my fridge. And there, again, I stood on my kitchen all alone and no one to be with.

Sighing, I disrobed my apron, folding it neatly and placing it on the cuboard. Since I got nothing to do, I got my book at the top of the shelf and decided to continue reading it. Reading 5 chapters or 6, the timer rang. I immediately sprung out of the chair, putting on a pot holder and opened the oven. I stuck a toothpick on one and pull it out. Nothing sticked. Perfect. I gathered the cookies out of the oven and let it cool on the counter. I can smell the aroma of the buttermilk combined with the chocolate chips. I opened the window for ventillation, seeing the truck stop in front of the house on the other part of the street. I then figured, the new neighbor is here.

Getting a piece of cookie of the sheet, I bit a portion of it and let the taste wander my mouth. Eating 4 or 3, I think of Priscilla's idea. Giving my cookies away won't hurt. But sure, my awkwardness will risk myself. Since my cookies are too many, I put it in a cookie jar that I will give to the new comers as a welcome gift.

I went out and knocked on their door. A few seconds later, the door was opened by a tall girl, maybe in her mid 20.s. She's beautiful. High cheekbones, emerald eyes, tan skin and brown hair.

"Hi, I'm from the house in front, and, I want to give you these. So, welcome to the village." I hand her the jar and smiled. oh my god, I'm so awkward. At this moment I am wishing that I should've gave the cookies away to the stray cats, or more of brought Priscilla with me.

"Oh thank you! Director Zayn would be so grateful for it" she smiled, a dimple popping out of her cheek.

" Would you like to come in? " she offered, opening the door slightly bigger.

I shook my head. " No, I'm good, I just dropped by to give you the cookies, besides, I have tons of work to do "

" Well thank you once again, have a good day " She closed the door and I turned away from it. So...the owner is a director. oh what fun. I hope that there will be no disturbances here like shootings or parties. I remember the last time a new comer moved in. She was a ramp model. Every Saturday, her crew will fill the street because of it's wonderful view and take their pictorial right on the center of the road. Let's just say that I didn't got sufficient sleep.

I headed back to my house and to my surprise , I have a box on my porch. I brought it inside, placing it under the couch but then, there's a knock on my door. I jogged towards it, opening and it's the same girl I met a while ago.

" Wait, I haven't got your name. " She breathed heavily but still gave me a warm smile, she might have run towards my house to catch up.

" I'm Alana, you are? " She pulled her hand out , shaking mine softly. I returned her warm smile.

"I'm Eve."

"Eve?" She waited for my last name and I facepalmed in my head.

" Geneva, Geneva Iryn, Eve for short. "


A/N: So, there it is. The first chapter of Director's Cut! I actually changed the name of the lead. From Medea Daveaux to Geneva Iryn. I just thought that it would be easier to pronounce. and it's Ay-rin.


What do you think of this chapter?

If there are any grammar errors please comment and help me correct it since English is not my first language.

Thank you!

Published: 12/25/14

Edited: 07/18/15


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