1: Tumnus's Discovery

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A wail fills the quite and wintry air, startling dear old Tumnus

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A wail fills the quite and wintry air, startling dear old Tumnus. His head turned about wildly, his eyes searching for the cause of the noise. After a moment, his soft blue eyes finally landed on a small bundle, which lied right on his front door step. Cautiously placing down his packages and umbrella, he approached the pile of blankets. A note sat on top, and Tumnus picked up the parchment gingerly.

I have little time. There's been a great change in Narnia; in myself. I cannot explain it now but you will understand someday. This is my daughter, Annelise. I have to leave Narnia, and I fear I won't be back, at least not for a long time. I need you to look after her, dear friend. Raise her in secret. Do not let the Witch know of her existence, or she will surely seek her out to kill. She has great importance in the future of Narnia. Great importance, Tumnus. I wish I had more time with her, and more time here. Raise her as a Pevensie, lad. As she is. Make it known that her father and mother loved her very much. I am not there for you to promise, but do promise me to raise her right, under the eye of Aslan. I suppose this is goodbye, my friend.

May Aslan be with you.
-Adam Pevensie

The faun wiped away a heavy tear that had fallen on his rosy cheeks. He mourned greatly at the loss of one of his closest friends, but he was also troubled about the responsibility that had been thrust upon him. He, a simple faun who lived in the nook of a rock, raise a child? A human child? Quickly pushing the anxieties from his mind, he tucked the note into his scarf and faced the child. She had now quietened, and peered up at Tumnus with wide and curious eyes. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at her. The faun bent down, scooping the infant in his arms and gracefully rising again. He reached forward slowly, grasping his hand on his metal doorknob and twisting, allowing his body, and the small one in his arms, to be surrounded by the warm air his den held.

"Welcome home, Annelise." He whispered to the child. She smiled and giggled a tiny laugh of glee. It was a small noise, but even that small noise managed to send a swirl of wind through the trees outside, and a chill ran down their wooden spines.

There was hope for Narnia yet.

A/N: back with ANOTHER Narnia fanfiction ahahah.. sorry. Anyway, this won't be a love story lol obviously bc she's a part of a family.. but I thought of this idea like 2 minutes before I fell asleep last night so I thought why not give it a go? I have ideas and chapters planned out in my head, but I might struggle with getting them into words and things. I'm only posting to see how you all feel about the plot, the idea,, ya know. Anyways, hope y'all like it!!

much love, meg<3

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