16: Kings Rising

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"She's right

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"She's right. He's gone." Peter spoke as he solemnly walked out of Aslan's golden tent. Oreius bowed his head and Edmund nodded.

"Then you'll have to lead us. Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you." He spoke. Peter rested his arms on the table in front of them, which held the map of their battle plans. He rubbed a frustrated hand over his face.

"I can't." He sighed. Edmund placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Aslan believed you could. And so do I. Remember what the dryad said, Peter. Be brave for Narnia." The brothers looked deeply into each other's eyes before Peter nodded. Oreius spoke.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?"


Susan pulled her head up from Aslan's mane tiredly. She looked around her, to the brown and green grass around them and the stones they sat among. She pushed back more tears before standing. Lucy looked up to her.

"We should go." Susan said softly. She strung her bow and quiver over her shoulder and offered a hand to Lucy, who wrapped her arms around herself and stood.

"I'm so cold." She mumbled sadly. Susan wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder and led her down the stairs. They both shrieked as the earth shook and a cracking sound ripped through the air. Both girls tumbled to the ground, barely catching themselves on the stairs. Lucy looks back to the table and cries out.

"Susan!" The older girls stands and dusts herself off, looking back at the table. "Where's Aslan?"

"What have they done?" Susan cries, but freezes when the sun appears in front of them. They're temporarily blinded, until a large silhoutte blocks the rays and they can properly see who stands in front of them.

"Aslan!" The girls cheer as they run around the table and throw themselves at him. Aslan chuckles and takes in the warm feeling of their soft hands.

"But we saw the knife. The Witch!" Susan gawks as she pulls back. Aslan nods and begins to walk around the table, the girls following him and gripping his mane.

"If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the Deep Magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery is killed in a traitor's stead, the Stone Table will crack and even Death itself will turn backwards." He reads off of the strange symbols carved into the side of the table, and the girls just nod along.

"We sent the news that you were dead. Peter and Edmund will have gone to war!" Susan gasps. Lucy drew her dagger and looked to Aslan.

"We have to help them." She says. Aslan laughed at her bravery and lowered her blade softly.

"We will, dear one, but not alone. Climb on my back. We have far to go and little time to get there. And you might want to cover your ears." The girls follow as he says, clambering onto his back and pressing their hands over their ears. Aslan let out a roar that shook the trees.


A griffin soars over the heads of the Narnian army, which was lined up on the southern side of Beruna. He landed gracefully next to Peter and bowed.

"They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater then our own." He breathed heavily. Peter turned to look at Oreius, anxiously.

"Numbers do not win a battle." The centaur assured the King. Peter shook his head and looked back to the hill, where the Witch's army had yet to appear.

"No, but I bet they help." He sighed. The griffin nodded and flew away, to join his companions at their station. Peter looked back to Edmund. The boy just nodded, mouthing a silent 'be brave' at his brother. Peter turned back as the Witch's army arrives. The Witch rides up onto her own mound in a chariot pulled by polar bears. Peter nearly gags as he takes in her appearance. She wore a chainmail dress and a golden headdress, which Aslan's mane hangs from. Peter draws his sword and raises it. A trumpet sounds and the army cheers. After the Witch's forces were a third way across the battlefield, Peter gives the signal. Falcons and griffins flew above them, carrying boulders to drop on the oncoming army. A few were taken down with arrows by the dwarf archers. Peter flinches as they tumble to the ground and turns to Oreius.

"Are you with me?" He asks. The centaur nods and draws his swords.

"To the death." He answers. Peter clenches his teeth and raises his sword even higher.

"For Narnia, and for Aslan!" He screamed, and the army charged.

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