18: Peter and The Witch

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As the girls gathered on the back of the great Lion once more, Lucy turns to look at Annelise with a smile

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As the girls gathered on the back of the great Lion once more, Lucy turns to look at Annelise with a smile.

"It was you, wasn't it?" She asked. Annelise sent the girl a look, with an eyebrow raised. Lucy shook her head with a giggle. "The flower dryad. It laughed like you. And in the trees, this morning. Was it- Was it you.. somehow?" She finished. Annelise bit her lip with a smile.

"I was hoping you'd catch on." She spoke lowly with a wink. Lucy jumped a tad on Aslan's back.

"I knew it." The little girl whispered to herself as Alsan took off with a leap, Annelise and all of the other Narnians following closely behind. Lucy constantly looked behind her, making sure her faun friend and her sister did not fall behind. Annelise smiled at her from the back of a centaur each time she did.


On the battlefield, Edmund lifts his sword in the air, shouting a might cry.

"Fire!" He says. A centaur to his left lifts his bow and released the brightest arrow any Narnian has ever seen. Mid-air, the wood and the feather transforms into a might phoenix, who lights himself with flames. The bird swoops down in front of their battling army, and cuts off the rest of the Witch's group. The Narnians on the rocks with Edmund cheered, but he stayed silent. He knew that the flames were nothing to the power of the Witch. Proving Edmund correct, the Witch released a icy blue light from her wand, and the army was able to march through the fire. Peter, finishing off a Minotaur, turned to look at his brother.

"Fall back! Draw them to the rocks!" He shouts to the army, who quickly obey. Edmund adjusts his helmet on his head.

"That's the signal. Come on!" Mr. Beaver shouts as he, Edmund, and the archers run to join their army in the fight.


"Annelise." Aslan's roar travels to the girl's ears, and the centaur she had hitched a ride on sped up to match the pace of the lion.

"Yes, sir?" Annelise shouts over the wind whipping in their ears.

"When we arrive, stay with me. Peter will need your help more than the rest of the army." He speaks. Lucy and Susan exchanged worried looks, but stay silent.

"Of course, Aslan." Annelise nods. She sends her sisters a look, and they instantly feel assured. Annelise would protect Peter.


Peter scours the battlefield to find his brother, wiping the tear he had just shed as he watched Oreius and a brave rhino sacrifice themselves in attempt to defeat the Witch. When he finally spotted him, he fights his way closer.

"Edmund! There's too many! Get out of here! Get the girls and get them home!" Peter screams through the battle cries, only managing to look at his brother for a moment before moving his focus back to his oppenent. Edmund made no move to retreat.

"You heard him! Let's go!" Mr. Beaver grips the hand of the young boy and begins to drag him away. Edmund, spotting the Witch he so loathed going after his brother, resisted. "Peter said get out of here!" Mr. Beaver continued to tug.

"Peter's not king yet!" Edmund shouted, finally freeing himself of the mammal's grip. He rushed down the hill, landing on a small perch with a grunt. He spots the Witch only a foot away from him, and his eyes are drawn to the stick in her hand. The sun glinted off of the stone at the top, with blue magic swriling inside the tip. Raising his sword, Edmund jumped from his perch, straight at the Witch, and brought his blade down.

A bright blue flash filled the entire battlefield, just for a moment. Peter raised his arm to block the light from binding him, and when he brought his arm back to his side, his jaw dropped. The Witch's wand was broken, and Edmund held the sword that broke it. The small Pevensie boy stood by the Witch, wide eyed. He paused before bringing a small smirk to his face.

"I'd like to see you freeze my family with that now." He said. The Witch sneered at him before raising her arm, the broken wand in hand. Edmund was not quick enough to leap away, and the Witch impaled him with the broken edge of the wand. Edmund barely heard Peter's screams as the world became muffled, and he fell to the ground.

Peter, filled with rage, ran his sword through whatever opponent he was facing. He ripped Rhindon from it's chest and charged at the Witch, who took a step towards the boy with a smile as their swords clash.


Annelise held back a grin as the hills of Beruna came into her eyesight. Every inch was covered in beautiful green blades of grass, and the air was warm. She took in a deep breath as they ran through the trees, and she could feel her ancestors giving her the power from them. I'll make you proud, mother. She thought. Finally, they reached the peak of the hill, and the hearts of the Narnians clenched in fear and agony. The green blades of grass were stained red and brown, bodies lay piled on top of it. Annelise clenched her bow staff tightly as she took her place next to Aslan and Susan. She was ready to protet her home.


The fight betwen the Witch and Peter was vigorous. They certainly matched each other's strength. Yet, Peter was but a boy. This was his first battle, and he was tiring quickly. The Witch noticed this, and pushed her offenses even harder. Jadis tripped Peter, and he falls to the ground with a thud. She pinned him to the dirt with one of her swords through his chain mail. Peter let out a pained cry as he felt the blade graze his bare shoulder. The Witch raises her arm to deliver the last blow, when suddenly,

A roar breaks through the air.

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