20: The Coronation

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The Pevensies looked around in awe as the lion led them down the aisle

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The Pevensies looked around in awe as the lion led them down the aisle. The room was filled with Narnians of all shapes and sizes, and Peter breathed a sigh of relief as he nodded to Oreius, who stood proudly in the front row. Annelise and Lucy wave tiny waves to Mr. Tumnus who winks back to the two, and Susan smiles at the beavers. Edmund holds back a laugh as he spots the lion from the Witch's castle, who has a moustache and a pair of eyeglasses tattoed on his fur. They reach the dais in the front of the room, and Aslan stops as they continue to walk to the five thrones that sit at the front. Aslan begins to speak to the crowd.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant." Mr. Tumnus approaches in a lovely green scarf and the Beavers stand behind him, bearing the crowns. Mr. Tumnus takes the silver crown and places it lightly on Lucy's head.

"To the great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just." Tumnus does the same to Edmund, with a thick silver crown, much sturdier than Lucy's.

"To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle." Susan recieves a crown much like Lucy's, but golden with flowers instead of leaves.

"To the soaring Alpine Mountains, Queen Annelise, the Euphoric." Tumnus brings a thin crown to Annelise's head. The rose gold band nearly disappears in her braided hair, but the diamond flower at the top shines brightly through it.

"And to the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent." Tumnus places the largest crown of them all, golden and shining, on Peter's blonde hair.

"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens." The crowd cheered, and the five Pevensies sat themselves into their thrones, beaming.

"Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Annelise! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy!" Applause filled the open room, and the Narnians could not be happier. Aslan nodded and bowed to the new Kings and Queens before exiting the room gracefully. The five stood from their thrones, walking from the dais and greeting all of the Narnians. A grand party began. After the royals had finally finished greeting each and every Narnian, Lucy slipped from the crowd and stole away to the balcony, where she took in a deep breath and watched the waves lull against the sand. She let out a gasp as she noticed Aslan trotting along the waterline.

"Don't worry." A voice brought Lucy from her thoughts, and she turned to see Tumnus standing with his arm locked with Annelise's. They both smiled at the girl and joined her at the ledge. "He'll be back." Tumnus finished. Annelise gripped the hand of her sister and smiled. Lucy rested her head on her arm as she turned to Tumnus.

"When?" She asked. Her lip was trembling slighty, and tears began to prick her eyes. Mr. Tumnus wrapped an arm around her shoulder as he answered.

"In time. One day he'll be here and the next he won't. But you mustn't press him. After all, he's not a tame lion." He smiled. Lucy nodded.

"No, but he is good." She whispered. Lucy turned back to the sea, and a single tear slipped from her eye as she noticed that Aslan had disappeared. Annelise smiled and tugged a small white cloth from her pocket and held it up in front of Lucy.

"Here. You need it more than I do." She smiled. Lucy giggled through her tears and took the hankie, accepting the hand of Tumnus, and retreated back to her other siblings in the ballroom. Edmund offered his hand to Annelise with a posh smile, and Anne took it with a laugh. They spoke softly as they twirled together.

"How are you able to move through the petals?" Edmund asked her. Annelise bit her lip and smiled.

"I suppose it's because of my mother. She was a kind of dryad, born from the Narnian land. I'm sure the magic of Aslan also has it's way of helping too." She giggled. Edmund looked up at in her admiration, nodding with her words. They continued to dance through the night, the other siblings joining in every once in a while. The Pevensies, all five of them, could not have been happier.

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