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Irene thanked and bid Jaehyun a goodbye before she made her way to her house. She patiently climbed up the staircase until she reached her house which is on the second floor. 

She key in her password before twist the door knob and push the door opened. As she was about to close the door, a hand hold the door making Irene shocked.

Her chest goes up and down, feeling scared as her head start to make an assumption, thought it was a serial killer who has been following her without her knowing.

The door slowly got pushed open, revealing a tall guy wearing a black hoodie, black jeans and white sneakers. Irene's eyes widened.

" Kim Taehyung?! ", she gasped.

Taehyung closed the door behind him, remove the hood from his head.

" What are you doing here? Get out! ", Irene frowned as she casually push Taehyung to get out of her house but he didn't move an inch.

" Why? Are you scared that your parents might caught you bringing a guy home? ", he smirk.

" Taehyung, please leave my house. Now! ", Irene sternly said, finger pointing the door, gesture him to leave.

" Oh, your parents wasn't here. You live alone. So, what are you scared for? Chill. ", Taehyung put off his shoes and walked into her living room, looking around before plopping his butt on the couch.

" What a cozy house you got here ", he acclaimed.

" What do you want, Kim Taehyung? I'm pretty sure I didn't owe you anything. If it's about the money, don't worry. I'll pay it. Just give me some more time. But for now, can you please leave me alone? ", Irene stood in front of him, blocking his view.

He then stood up, right in front of her as the gap between them just a few centimeters away making Irene to take a few step back because of how close their gap are.

" Leave you alone so that you can go on a date with that jerk, Jung Jaehyun? The guy that steal your first kiss? Wow. I'm impressed, Bae Irene. I guess you weren't that mad about it. You just want to get away from me, am I right? ", Taehyung smirk at his remark.

" It has nothing to do with you ", Irene turned to look away, avoiding his eyes that was staring straight into her eyes.

" It does ", he sternly replied with his monotonous voice.

" What? Because I'm your servant? No. Not anymore. The contract has been terminated and I'm no longer your servant, Kim Taehyung. ", she smirked back at him.

" Yes, you're no longer my servant but you're my person. My. Only. Person. ", Taehyung took a step closer to Irene as his hand gently hold on her chin before he brought it closer to his face and land his lips on hers.

Irene was froze on her spot as she was hypnotized by Taehyung meanwhile Taehyung gently kissed her lips,  waiting for her to reply the sudden kiss.

' No, Irene.  No! ', her inner voice trying to warn and stop her from replying the kiss but her lips didn't alert and eventually replied the kiss.

She know she was not supposed to do that but at the same time she became so needy to kiss him back.

She tilt her head as Taehyung tilt his head to another side, enjoying their first kiss.

Irene's arms hugging around his neck and Taehyung pulling her head closer to deepened the kiss.

' Irene! Stop ! Wake up! '

Taehyung laid her down on the couch and they continued their passionate kiss in the midnight.

' No, Irene! Don't get too far! Stop right now! '

" Bae Irene! "

Irene's head shot up as her eyes widely opened. She looked around just to see all of her classmates was giving a judging look at her.

" Irene, are you sleeping in my class ? ", her teacher scold her while putting both of her hands on her waist.

" I'm sorry teacher. ", she bowed 90 degree at the teacher.

" Go and wash your face. Now! ", she command and Irene quickly walk out of the class and went to the restroom as fast as possible.


Irene check herself in the mirror. She look quite messy ad terrible. The dark. circle under her eyes. Gosh.

It was only her first day working at the coffee shop yet she couldn't have enough sleep followed with the homeworks that she need to do after she got back from work and manage to sleep at 4 in the morning.

What a life.

Plus with the dream she had just now.

" Wait? It was just a dream? Oh gosh. It feel so real. Thank God it's not. ", she heaved out a relief sigh.

" But for God's sake, why the hell I had that kind of dream? Early in the morning? With Kim Taehyung? Ugh, this story is not connecting well. ", she shook her head before once again splashing the water from the tap on her face.

She tear the tissue and wipe her face before walked out of the restroom.

" Here ", a guy block her way out.

" Argh ! You startled me! ", Irene almost had a heart attack when Taehyung suddenly appear in front of her, handing her a strawberry milk.

" Thanks ", she awkwardly took it from his hand, trying hard to avoid his eyes.

Most importantly his lips. Irene quickly shove away the thought about her and him kissing in her dream. His lips that making her lost in her own thought, not focusing on what Taehyung said.

" Quit the job ", he spoke.

" Huh? ", she furrowed her eyebrow, trying to recall whatever he just said.

" I know you're taking a part time job now. Just quit. ", he looked at her with his hand in his pocket.

" I'm sorry but why would I do that? ", she snorted. " Don't get me wrong but I'm not doing this for you but for myself. Even if you didn't want me to pay back your money then it's fine but I'm not quitting my job. I need the job to support my life. ", she continued.

" To suppot your life? Aren't your parents doing that for you? ", he frowned.

" Not everyone got the chance to grow up with their parents by their side, Kim Taehyung-sshi. ", Irene slightly smiled.

" Anyway thanks for the milk ", she walked ahead, leaving him behind dumbfounded.


After the school day over, Irene quickly running back to her house because Seulgi just told her that she need to come early today.

Taehyung was about to call her when he saw her running towards the school gate but then he saw a familar car stop in front of the gate. 

The person get off of the car and called for Irene.

" Isn't that Jaehyun? ", Hoseok asked.

Taehyung didn't say anything but to observe them from afar.

" Yeah and that's Irene. What's going on between them? ", Jimin averted his gaze at Taehyung who was busy observing the two main subject at the school gate. The next thing he see was Irene get in Jaehyun's car.

" Heol ", Namjoon and Yoongi scoffed in unison.

" Let's go ", Taehyung clench his jaw as he put on his black shade before get into his car. His friends nodded and get into their respective cars as well.

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