I'm nice (I think (no, I know I'm late! (Shut up)))October 17th 2023
Entry 65
Hey, Emily. It's me, Evan.
Mom says that writing in this journal might help me with my "fear of admitting that I've lost you", but I already have.
She doesn't get it. Or maybe she does, and just hides it.
How could I know?
I miss you, sis. I wish you could come back. Please. I neI looked up, snapping the book shut. Mom closed the door gently, then faced me, with a soft, apologetic look in her eyes and a small, sad smile.
"Hey, baby," She sat down next to me on my bed, brushing my bangs away from my face, just to have them swing back into place.
"Hey." I said, averting eye contact.
"You might be upset, but you have to come out and eat." I glanced up at her. The look in her eyes almost seemed like she's seen someone in this state before, but I wasn't completely sure.
I sighed. "Fine, I'll come." I looked up to meet her golden eyes and tried for a smile, hoping it didn't look too fake or sad. "What're we having?"
She smiled back, "You're favorite."
She got up and left the room, looking over her shoulder.
I left the room, wondering what 'my favorite' was.
Sam's POV (Falcon)
I watched as Natasha and Clint dueled each other on the mat. They kept throwing out insults and commentary on the other's techniques and postures.
Clint stood up, smirking triumphantly, his foot on Natasha's chest.
His eyes widened and the smile was wiped off his face a split-second before he was tossed across the room, and plunged into the wall, right next to me.
Natasha sneered. "Always make sure your enemies are truly down."
Clint groaned. I put down my latte (for some reason, those strange Starbucks flavors are actually really good), and held out my hand, which he took.
"Jeez, Nat, you didn't have to throw me that hard." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
I suspected they were going to play Call Of Duty now.
I went over to the punching bag and started hitting it, though I wasn't very good at it.
After a few minutes, I heard someone enter.
"What did that bag do to deserve such treachery?" A voice called from behind me. "Also, is this pink flower latte yours?"
I turned to see a teenager with black hair and sarcastic sea-green eyes with a glint of mischief and the unknown. I think he was Tony's new intern.
"One: it's a punching bag." I said it like that was obvious, which it was. "Two: yes, it's mine."
He nodded, looking around. "Training gym. You do swords?" He walked over to the rack with rows of knifes and swords.
I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know sword-fighting?"
He shrugged. "Comes naturally, I guess. This summer camp I go to lets us use them."
"Seems like a really dangerous summer camp."
"Yeah, you could say that." He took one sword from the rack. I think it's called spatula or something, I didn't exactly remember.
"I don't know sword fighting, no. Maybe you could teach me, kid, since you seem to be so good at it."
He smirked, hearing the sarcasm in my words.
I only registered what happened a split-second after it happened. He was behind me, back facing mine, with my shirtsleeve in his hand. My shoulder had a small cut, too.
"How- ..."
He shrugged, putting the sword back and walking out of the arena. "Let this be your first lesson." He turned around to face me, that annoying smirk still present. "Don't ever underestimate your enemies. And never call me kid."
He turned on his heel and left, tossing my sleeve behind him.
I stood there, shocked, for a few moments, then went to pick up my sleeve.
I frowned. "I liked this shirt. Tony is so getting a piece of my mind."
Clint's POV
I watched the cams, Natasha behind me, crossing her arms.
"He's good with a sword. So what?" Nat looked at me weirdly.
"That speed was supernatural."
"Maybe he's a child of Mars." She rolled her eyes.
"Roman god of war. Nothing." She said dismissively, glancing at the cam.
Sam muttered something, took his sleeve and his cherry blossom latte, then left.
I narrowed my eyes. "I'd go ahead and question the kid but I don't think Tony would appreciate it."
Natasha frowned. "One: Tony probably couldn't care less because he knows we're decent human beings and wouldn't do such thing without reason. Two: we're decent human beings. Three: we should act like decent human beings."
"Okay, okay, I get it! 'Decent human being'. Jeez."
She smirked. "We're nowhere near 'decent human beings', are we?"
I looked at her in confusion, then started returning the look she was giving me. "We have a problem."
"At least we don't ignore that part." Natasha walked to the door. She looked over her shoulder. "Race you." She said, and stared sprinting, me on her heels.

Heroes Untold /Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover/
ФанфикAyyyy So that last one was a bust. :3 ~*~ There was a girl with bright blonde hair, sobbing, with her hand clutched to the body of another. The other girl had dark hair and open lifeless golden eyes, with a name tag that said, "Hello My Name Is no...