The Invasion

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Prodigy's comm logs
March 19, 2016
Camp Stalwart, Pandora

Okay so maybe the story is a little too fast, but come on! Those three weeks were really boring and tedious, and frankly speaking, I was fucking bedridden for crying out loud!

Ahem! Sorry for the sudden outburst...

Anyway here I am. Finally discharged from the hospital. The nasty cut on my temple is all stitched up but it still is a little sore. The day was pretty nice. With the nice cool breeze and all...

"Prodigy!" Raven called out. I looked behind me and saw her running to me with a panicked face. As soon as she caught up, she said, "Baka! Don't go running off right off the bat. You're still injured aren't you? You need to take it slow!" I smiled, "Sorry about that! Its just a little excitement is all..." I replied. She pouted and put her hands on her waist and looked at me crossly.

I feel apologetic right now...

She sighed, "Okay. Just don't do it again for now ok?" She pleaded. I nodded. She smiled and took my hand and led the way back.

I looked around the camp as Raven pulled me along. I didn't get the chance go look around properly 'cuz you know what happened.

The sleek steel walls, rows of war machines, beautifully designed buildings, and top-of-the-line soldiers, make this camp a far cry from the unruliness of Titan's camp and mine. Best of all, Raven is here!

But alas the tour was at an end. We were already at the gate. " are we supposed to Camp Glacial, if its more than fifteen kilometeres from here, if I may ask?" I asked. Raven smirked and did a loud whistle. Like how you whistle when you call a cab.

Silence. It didn't work. Figures...

I looked at Raven and was about to point out that it didn't work when suddenly, a powerful gust blew our hair backwards and a loud humming filled the air. I looked up and sure enough, a Cloudship was already descending to the ground.

"Whoa..." I exclaimed. Let me explain what a Cloudship is;

Name: Cloudship
Type: Gunship
Purpose: Field and aerial support, troop and supply deployment, also used to deploy war machines.
Armaments: Two missile launchers, four fifty-calibre Sabot machine guns located on the wings and nose which can turn 360° horizontally.

That's about it. Wait a minute...

"Why is it all blue?" I asked. Raven giggled and pulled me along as she ran to it. As soon as we boarded, she explained, "The commander, Meister I mean, gave it to me during my first mission with him. He said he no longer has any use for this and gave it to me, complete with the pilot and all." she said giddily. Figures...what a great commander. I wish mine was that generous.

"But how come its colored blue?" I asked, "Oh! The color? It was originally colored red, but since he gave it to me and said that I could personalize it however I want, well you get the idea..." she replied.

"Ah~" I exclaimed. She tapped the pilot's shoulder and instructed him to go to Camp Glacial. The pilot nodded and did some button pushing then pulled the wheel towards him and the ship flew up slowly.

I sat on a bench and looked out the open cargo door. As the ship rose, I could slowly see the vastness of Pandora. Sure the city was smaller two years ago. At least, that's how Commander Glacial described it. The ship pressed onwards, flying quickly towards our destination.

Raven sat beside me. Well you know about inertia right? You know, the thing that happens when you're sitting in a car and it moves forward pressing you against your seat?

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