Ch. 4: Training Day

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(Y/N) POV:

Today was Thursday. I had been in U.A. for about four days, and to be honest, it wasn't as hard as I had thought it'd be. Sure, it was still difficult. The math class absolutely sucked, I already had a 'C' in that class. English was pretty easy, and hero training was really  easy. At least it was for me since I already had some informal training. The past few days of those classes had gone by pretty easy, aside from math. I rolled over in bed to see what time it was. 8:00 AM. I rolled out of my bed and onto the floor, not caring that I fell. I stood up, stretched and yawned before putting on my uniform and grabbing my bag. I didn't even put my bag on, deciding to just carry it at my side. I was a bit of a late bloomer since I was never a morning person. I sluggishly entered the common room, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with my free hand. I then felt my Shadesense kick in, but it was too late. I was suddenly wrapped in a pair of arms. The arms had me locked in a bone-crushing bear hug. I then heard a giggle come from behind me, which entirely gave away who it was.

Ashido: *giggles* "Good morning (L/N)!"

(Y/N): "Hey Ashido!"

Ashido: "You're up pretty early for once!"

(Y/N): "Had to make sure I could eat something before training today."

Ashido: "Ohhh that's right! We have training today! I wonder what we're going to be doing." *looks down thinking*

(Y/N): "I heard we might be doing teams."

I went to go make myself some breakfast, deciding on a plain bowl of cereal, before sitting down at our table with our other friends. As I sat down, I was immediately questioned about the "teams" subject.

Kiri: "Yo (L/N)? You hear we might be doing teams today?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I wonder how the teams will be set."

Denki: "Dude speaking of teams, do you know what team you're on? Like, you know how there's team Bakugou, team Midoriya, and that?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I have no idea what team I'm on. Mr. Aizawa said he'd tell me when he found out where I'd be placed." 

Denki: "Huh."

Ashido: "I hope you get placed on our team! That'd be awesome!"

(Y/N): "You think so?"

Ashido: "Yeah! I think it'd be fun having another one of my besties on my team!"

Besties. I probably should have mentioned, the past few days I've been in U.A., Ashido and I have been hanging out almost everyday. Well, so far it has been everyday. I guess she made the decision that we were best friends and had just never told me, not that I mind, I kinda enjoyed hanging out with her. She was a bit of nutcase every now and then, but being friends with Denki taught me how to tolerate that. Besides, I wasn't any better than she was. Not to mention, she and I actually had quite a few things in common. We both enjoyed video games, I was a huge Marvel  nerd, and she was on her way, not to mention we are both well informed in meme culture. It took me about two weeks before Denki and I had gotten as friendly as Ashido and I are. I looked over at her while she ate her toast. She looked over at me and smiled, crumbs clinging to the corners of her mouth. Something about that smile, it was weird. It was contagious to me, like a pathogen. I smiled back at her, and her smile grew wider. Mine grew even wider in response. Eventually we both realized how stupid we looked as the others snapped us out of...what even was that?

Kiri: *raising an eyebrow* "You guys good?"

Denki: "It's like you two were hypnotized!"

Ashido: "What do you mean?"

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