Ch. 13: Thorns of the Black Rose

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(Y/N) POV: 

(Y/N): "So when are we going to do this training thing?"

Kirishima: "I think we all agreed to meet up at noon. Apparently we're going to be chaperoned by a pro to the stadium!"

(Y/N): "Seriously? Which pro?"

Kirishima: "I don't know, probably one of our teachers though."

It was Wednesday. Apparently the school was closed today as well because of a broken water pipe. I was pretty excited to try out some new ideas I had today. I'm not gonna lie, I was curious about what it'd be like if I fused with some of my other classmates. Maybe I'd get the chance to find out during our fight. It was the Bakusquad vs. the Dekusquad. So it was pretty much Me, Mina, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugou against Uraraka, Midoriya, Iida, Asui, and Todoroki. When we offered to let the Dekusquad get another teammate, they just said Todoroki's second quirk would make up for it.  I was a little worried, since Mina would most likely end up fighting either Midoriya or Todoroki, but she seemed as bubbly and energetic as usual. It was about 10:30, so we still had at least two hours until we were going to the stadium. I noticed that the entirety of the other group, as well as Bakugou, weren't in the common room.

(Y/N): "Hey, where's Bakugou and the others?"

Kirishima: "Knowing them, probably exercising or getting some early training."

(Y/N): "Huh, figures."

Mina: "Are you gonna do some training?"

Kirishima: "I might join them after breakfast. What about you guys?"

(Y/N): "Eh, I don't know."

Mina: "Come to think of it Baby, I've never seen you training or exercising outside of school. Do you even do that outside of classes?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, before I joined U.A. I would usually train late at night when my quirk was strongest. Though sometimes I'd train during the day, just in an area without people."

Mina: "OooOOOooo secret training huh? Where at?"

(Y/N): "In the woods."

Mina: "Ah yes, the "anime protagonist training in the woods" cliche..."

(Y/N): "I mean, it worked. I'd also sometimes follow criminals and villains around too. If they did something, I'd count it as a live training session!"

Mina: "Sounds like you had some unofficial hero training!"

(Y/N): "Obviously!  I mean, I was doing some patrolling when I first met you. I counted those muggers as training!"

Kirishima: "Wait, so you fought crime for training?"

(Y/N): "It's good motivation! If someone is in danger, I think about what could happen to them. I trained that way because then there'd be major consequences if I failed. I intentionally put myself in situations where failure was not an option, which is why I force myself back up if I get knocked down. Because that's the way I trained myself."

Mina: "Wow...I never knew that THAT'S how you trained...."

Kirishima: "Dude...That's extremely manly of you! But I gotta ask, have you ever met those consequences?"

(Y/N): "Once...before I started training."

Mina: "What happened?"

(Y/N): "I...I don't want to talk about it..."

Mina: "Oh...OK. Well, if you decide that you do, we're here for you. I'M  here for you." *puts her hand on his shoulder*

Kirishima: "Yeah man! We got your back! I'd be happy to help a friend out!"

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