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Xion was furious.

And for a childish reason at that. Well it might seem childish to others but it was a real problem for him.

His brother was leaving him for some woman he had never met and it infuriated him beyond words.

Leedo was the only one he had left that he could trust and he was also leaving. Everyone he loved left and he was afraid if Leedo did, he'd never open up to anyone again.

So upon hearing the oldest agree to meet with the princess, he had fled to the old chambers and locked himself inside it.

A guard had followed behind and waited for whenever the young prince decided to walk out so he could protect him.

Tears pooled at Xion's eyes and he couldn't help but let them flow down his now reddened face. He was sad and broken and he couldn't hide that. He needed to let all the sadness out.

He cried his eyes out until he felt his head pound within his skull and his eyes were puffed out so much, he couldn't see clearly.

He questioned why all the bad things in life had to happen to him as he let out sniffles and silent sobs.

He laid on the soft carpet that was placed in the room be was in and curled up into a ball for warmth. He was having thoughts he really shouldn't be having.

But he didn't stop himself from thinking of them nor did he stop crying his heart out.

He heard a door creak after a much needed while but he couldn't be bothered to check who it was so he laid there silently, evening out his breathing.

A shadow walked slowly —tiptoeing almost— checking each room quietly before making its way to Xion's room.

"Xion?" The person called out for him.

It was an a voice he couldn't recognize due to the hazy state his mind was it. Or maybe he just really didn't know who it was.

The person then came forward, eyes searching the room before meeting Xion's almost lifeless body lying on the floor.

"Oh Xi," the person exclaimed and headed to the curled up boy. "You're so reckless! Look at your eyes, your body is so cold... Sit up lemme see what's wrong."

While he spoke, he picked up the lifeless boy and pulled him against his warm chest to heat him up.

Xion on the other hand still didn't know who it was that was handling him right now so well. But he was grateful for the person if not, he'd probably freeze to death.

"W-who a.. are you?" He managed to breath out, lips trembling because of the cold.

"You seriously don't know me?" the voice said sarcastically. "I'm sad! But it's me, Keonhee."


Xion always had a hard time calling his hyung's names when he was young so he gave them nicknames that were easier to remember.

Keonhee was named Kee, Seoho was named So, Hwanwoong was Woong, Leedo was Lee and Ravn stayed Ravn because his name wasn't all that hard.

"Yes, it's Kee," the older said as he rubbed his warm hands on Xion's back to generate warmth. "Why'd you run here of all places? You'll freeze!"

All he heard in response was a scoff and Xion's body pressing involuntarily closer to his. He smiled, glad that the youngest was being a little comfortable with him.

Keonhee always had the worst relationship with his youngest brother. Why? Because when Xion was growing up, Keonhee was barely there, he was always in the scroll room studying things. He studied even after he had packed classes at the royal academy.

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