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"I don't want to leave you,"

Taehyun and Hwanwoong had done their very best to keep their relationship away from open eyes and they had done a great job at it. No one had seemed to notice it since they hardly ever talked on ground and almost avoided each other completely.

They made a schedule that allowed both of them to be with each other each week for five hours. They'd meet on the east mountain each Saturday as Hwanwoong often took hikes then and Taehyun would be waiting for him there.

They'd spend the day talking about everything and nothing, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears and stealing kisses here and there.

As of now, Hwanwoong was straddling the taller, hands splayed out on his chest. Their time was up but Hwanwoong was being clingy and didn't want to leave his lover's side.

"The guards will be suspicious hyung," Taehyun said, kissing the older's knuckles and making him giggle. "We have to leave."

"We will," the prince grumbled. "Just five more minutes."

"You've said that for the past ten minutes," Taehyun rolled his eyes. "We gotta move if you want peace."

"Can I just say something?"

"Sure babe,"

"You know the war might begin anytime soon right?" Taehyun nodded. "And that means another year of sacrificing our lives and that we may not come back."


"I'm not done. If we don't make it back, I just want you to know that I love you and no one could ever take your place in my heart. I'll always love you Taehyun, even if I can't have you." He put their foreheads together, staring right into the other's eyes.

"And I you," Taehyun leaned in to close the distance between them, concealing their promises to each other.

They were both heartbroken. What was love when you couldn't even be with the one you wanted freely? That wasn't love but they couldn't do anything about it. They had to be apart even if it broke them.

"I love you, so fucking much," Hwanwoong said, tears rolling down.

"I love you so much too hyung," Taehyun tried to keep it in but he couldn't. He cried as well. "Don't ever forget that."

They held each other like it would be the last time they would, kissing away their worries before deciding it was time to leave and finally followed different routes to lead them to the palace.

At the palace, a meeting was being held. Leedo was getting married in a week's time and preparations were being made by the two kingdoms that were to be merged.

"Hwanwoong you're back," Seoho noticed him when he walked into the meeting room where the elders and others were congratulating Leedo on his success.

He was seated in the middle, accepting the gifts and pleasantries people sent his way with a smile.

The princess was doing the exact same but in a different chamber as bride and groom were not to see each other till the night of their marriage because they believed it was bad luck if they did.

"Yeah I'm back," he nodded, finding a seat beside his brothers. "Had a rough walk."

"Oh what happened?" Keonhee asked, concerned.

"Mosquitoes," he rubbed his neck where Taehyun had not so subtly planted hickies around.

"What kinda mosquitoes are these?" Ravn asked, poking one at his collarbone and he nearly let out a moan as that was his sweet spot.

"Don't touch them," he said, hitting Ravn's hand away. "They hurt."

"Sure they do," Leedo smirked knowingly and appearing from nowhere. "We all know those mosquitoes can sure bite."

"Shut it hyung," the shortest prince mumbled but still smiled and stood to hug his brother. "I'm proud of you hyung, i really am."

"Thank you Woong," he replied. "You'll be my best man no?"

"Of not me who else?" Hwanwoong said, rolling his eyes in a duh tone. "I'm your best man all the way!"

They sat together, talking and discussing outfits and whether or not they'd have to make a new bed each week for the new couple. Those were Ravn's words.

The eldest had smacked him though but it didn't stop him from shutting up anyway.

They were so happy in that moment. Everything was perfect. Everything was well planned.

They'd beat up the shit out of Baekhle and everything would turn out beautiful. Like butterflies and rainbows.

Doing that wouldn't be hard...



"You need to get all this hair off!"

Yuri was at the royal spa, getting her body prepped for her husband. She had been going through countless of processes to smoothen her already soft skin, tighten her already a virgin vagina and so much more things she didn't want to mention.

"Its painful as shit!" She complained, pulling her leg out of the woman's grasp.

"Language princess," Min Ara said calmly, an amused smile on her face. "Why don't you want the sugar wax?"

"Because!" She replied, voice high. "It's the most painful thing ever. Like it literally melts into your skin and then pulls the hair out of it's roots. No!"

"But it'll make your skin shine and look all pretty for Leedo," Ara tried to convince her. "Won't you like to see the look of sheer pleasure on his face when you pull up your hanbok to 'rub some oil' on your skin?"

"I like the way that sounds," Yuri smiled cockily. "But no. It's painful"

"Okay I've tried my best," the mom raised her hands in surrender, getting up to do things the hard way. "Girls! Hold her down for me!"

"NO! NO!" Yuri cried but the girls dismissed her wails and did as they were ordered. "Don't you lay a hand on me!"

She cried louder when she felt the cool wax make its way into her shin. It was really happening. She was getting waxed and against her will!

She screamed and screamed but of course no one would hear her talk less of coming to rescue her from the witches as she'd called the women holding her down.

Back at the men's side, they heard a faint scream coming from the princess's chamber but ignored it.

"Probably saw a spider or something," Ravn shrugged. "Ladies."

His brothers all agreed and they went on with their discussion.

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