The Choice part 2 (Joey x Reader x Yugi)

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The continuation from part 1: Your choice was Yugi.

Songs: Love Someone by Lukas Graham                            Two Young Hearts by Sabrina Carpenter

You walked towards Yugi. He was willing to give up you for your own happiness. He was so selfless and Joey was kind of like a brother more or less. 

“Joey, I’m sorry.” You spoke as you grabbed Yugi’s hand. “But if you are making me choose then I choose Yugi.” 

“Hey, that’s fair man.” Joey walked over to Yugi and smiled. “Good job bud.” 

Yugi was still in shock about everything that had happened. He looked down at your hands that were now laced together. You walked to class with him and sat right next to him. He smiled as you paid attention to the lesson. He saw your smiling face and your attentiveness. He fell in love with you more and more. You didn’t even know how much you made him smile. At lunch, you sat together but Yugi had began to lean in closer to you. His head laid on your side and he sighed. 

“Y/n I love you.” 

“I love you too Yugi.” You smiled and took his hand in yours. 

Tea the whole time was shooting daggers at you the whole time. But she soon relaxed at the sight of Yugi’s smile. She knew you made him happy and was happy for the both of you. You sat there and When Yugi got up he grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the group. 

“Y/n,” He seemed nervous and he fidgeted with his jacket. “Wanna g-go on a-a-a date t-today?” 

He blushed and your eyes met. You smiled at his nervousness, it made Yugi relax. He was so cute to you. He was so shy yet so courageous. You brought him in for a hug. 

“I’d love to go.” 

“Great the fair is in today, and I thought we could go,” Yugi said as you both sat under the tree. 

“Sounds wonderful.” You laid your head on his as his head rested on your shoulder. 

Well, school was finally over and you immediately went to go find Yugi outside the school. He wrapped you in a hug and you gladly returned it. You walked to the game shop so Yugi could drop off his bag. You easily made a conversation with his grandfather. When he came back down you saw someone beside him. He looked like Yugi but he wasn’t, his aura was completely different.

“Ready to go?” Yugi asked as you both walked out of the store. 

You nodded as you looked at the man right next to Yugi. He was kind of floating and he followed Yugi. He was never at school but he was here now. 

“What is it Y/n?” Yugi asked. 

“Who is that?” You asked as you pointed to the spirit next to Yugi.

“You can see Yami?” Yugi asked with bewilderment. 

“That’s who he is.” You nodded. 

“I am the spirit of Yugi’s puzzle,” Yami spoke. 

“Okay, that kind of makes sense.” You said to Yami. 

“You can hear him too.” Yugi was beguiled.

“Apparently.” You smiled, as you took Yugi’s hand in your own. “Let’s go.” 

Yami saw your hands interlocked and smiled. “He took my advise, good job Yugi.” He whispered before he disappeared, leaving the two of you to your date. 

You and Yugi had made it to the fair and decided to go on the Ferris wheel first. As the Wheel hit the top Yugi had grabbed your hand. He was a little afraid of heights. You kissed his forehead. 

“I’m here for you Yugi.” 

The ride had busted and stopped as the two of you watched the lights of the city. At the top of the Ferris wheel, Yugi had become more relaxed and you leaned into him. 

“This is the second most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” He whispered. 

“Second?” You questioned. “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” 

“Do you look in the mirror?” Yugi asked. 

“Yeah, why?” 

Yugi placed his hand on your cheek. As you leaned into his touch he leaned in closer and whispered.

“Because you are the most beautiful sight I have ever laid eyes on.” His breath was warm on your lips and he hesitated before going into capture lips. 

You squeezed his hand but as you relaxed into the kiss your grip became gentler. His lips were sweetly resting on yours and when Yugi pulled away the two smiled. You sat wrapped in each other’s embrace.

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