Chapter 6

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My weekly routine smoothly went by without a problem.

And my secret skate boarding was going smoothly as well.

Aside from minor bruises which I conceal with creams and liquid concealers, nothing major happened to me.

And now I'm in the nearest park which is used by people for skating, parkour and such. 

"Waahhh,  cool~~"

I muttered as I watched the boys older than me doing some flip tricks.

"Oh? Beni-chan!  Here here! "

Being in here practicing skate boarding,  I made quite a lot of friends alredy.

And with the name Beni,  just in case hihi.

"Good day,  Haru-niisan! "

Since I am now keeping a low profile,  I used a less formal form of speech to avoid suspiciouns.

Am I being to cautious? Kekeke.

"Good day to you too Beni-chan. How's your week so far? "

"Great and smooth hehe"

Haru-niisan is 10 years older than me which is now in his last year of highschool.

He is currently attending Lassier and since I'm still in the Primary section, Haru-niisan obviously haven't heard anything about me.

He was the one who thought me  the basics and so far,  I am now able to skate a little longer than before.

It's not like I was planning to take this seriously but since this was on my bucket list,  maybe after learning a trick or two,  I would stop learning anymore tricks.

I guess,  out of curiosity that I wanted to learn this and it seems really cool as a hobby.

And it would be troublesome if I get into an accident by doing hard tricks, you know.

Hehe I always wanted to be a cool and popular school girl keke.

"Oh?  Beni-chan,  hello! "


Everyone in the park greeted me with smiles.

Looking across the whole park,  everyone was now enjoying the time of their lives by learning new tricks or showing off the tricks they had learn.

On the far away corner, group of individuals were doing some crazy parkour stunts that I can't help myself but to twitch a little everytime they fell,  slip and the like.

There were also a couple of people learning roller skating and doing stunts that whenever I see,  I can't help bit feel my heart tremble by nervousness.

Waah,  kids sure had it fun trying dangerous things huh?

"I still can't believe that little lady like you would take interest in this kind of hobby"

Haru-niisan said.  I smiled and gigled.

I didn't told them from which school I am attending or any information about my personal life.

And they seem to understand it and never asked me about it.

After learning the basics such as balancing,  I can now at least skate meters longer than before.

And Haru-niisan began teaching me the proper way of changing directions or making u-turns.

Apparently, I was geared with protective equipments that whenever I fell,  I don't get any bruises.

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