Chapter 50

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After a little bit of resting,  I decided to take my foods out and munch on them sneakily inside my tent while waiting for the teachers to call us out and assemble. 

And just as I thought,  I moment later,  the teachers called for us to gather in the middle for they'll be announcing the activities they decided and agreed to just a while ago.  I must say,  salut to them for their flexibility and how they handle the situation.

It's not like it would be hard though since all the volunteers of this activity was the old ones except for a few newcomers. And besides,  I could tell that I'm the only one,  aside from O'Brein-sama though,  who came from a noble line.  So there's no protest came out from the mouths of the volunteers aside from the newcomers who thought how unlucky for them to be encountering such unfortunate event on the first time they joined.

How cute.

And so,  after making everyone gather already,  the teachers told us to about the activities we'll be doing and since students from Delhi Academy was also here,  teachers of both schools decided to make this as a friendly match between schools. 

However,  it's a little disadvantage for our side since we've got a lot girl volunteers while the other party mostly consists of boys so in the end,  they make it as a strategic kind of game. Basically it's something like a treasure hunting or whatever the term is. 

Earlier,  when we were having our rest,  the teachers and scouts already made preparations and now we can proceed  to the game without much trouble.

The game is called,  The lost Jewel of Tranquility. So basically, the jewel they were talking about is a forgotten pond which was located here in Mt. An.  According to them,  that pond was very small that it couldn't be found if you won't brush off the bushes.

"Teacher?  Wouldn't be unfair to us since this mountain's location is just near Delhi Academy,  and they often camp here? "

The conrcern that we all wanted to asked was now on the topic.

"Regarding that matter,  you don't have to worry since Delhi Academy students only come here once in awhile and going outside this site is forbidden. And also,  no words of the lost pond was being spoke of"

The teacher from Delhi answered hoeever I'm still doubtful about.

How can they prove to us they know nothing of the pond if this mountain itself was the place they would visit often for camping and such?

"The truth is,  also us,  didn't know about the pond not until the scouts had told us about it"

After a seriesof reasoning and such,  we are finally convinced that the students from Delhi realky didn't knew about it.  And by the looks of how troubled they are when the teachers began telling us the clues and the things we need to do in order to find pond.

And so the hunt began.  We found the clues rather quick but before finding a lot of it so quickly, I began contemplating and I asked everyone to stop.

"It's a trap, they are luring us to the wrong place.  Think about it.. "

I voiced out my thoughts and told them about it.  And so we decide to find clues first,  most of the clues were written in a piece of paper tied in flags and some were inside the plastic balls. 

We already strayed too far and we can't still find the pond and so upon gathering the clues,  we started to read each one of them.

'Why look far,  when I'm just near you? '

I raised my brow reading the contents of the clue.

Damn it!

I knew it!

"Heeeeeh, so we've been played at huh? "

O'Brein-sama commented beside me when read what was written on the paper I'm holding.

"Pleass hold on"

I asked them as I read the clues one by one by one.

'The sun hit me directly at my head,  I wonder when will it set? '

The other clue written on a certain piece of paper.

I took a twig and wrote a line.  If it hits you directly at your head,  it means 12 o'clock,  which means it is in the middle?

And it will set in the west at 6 o'clock.  I kinda get what it wanted to say but the question is,  which part of the mountain is the middle or the 12 o'clock?

Reading back the earlier clue after thinking the possible center point of this clue.


The moment I realized it,  my lips curved upwards and so they look at me wondering. 

'Why look far,  when I'm just near you? ' is close to the location of the center point, in other words,  it's where we originally came from! 

It's the site itself!

The center point of the later clue was the site and from there,  looking at the front which is the mountain itself ,  for the 12 o'clock coord.

So in other words,  it's on the west side of the mountain but just near the site.

Oh my gosh!

Who thought of these silly clues anyway?!

And so,  voicing out what I just found out,  we started to depart and went back to the site.

The students from Delhi who saw us retreating was wondering.  Since we decided to go straight from where the site located at,  we have to go back so we won't be missing any possible clues. 

The teachers who saw us smiled as if they already know what's running on our minds.

Damn it!

Toying us around like this!

Ah mouh~

And so, on the way to the west side of the site,  we found some clues along the way. 

'Those who don't look back to where they came from are as rotten as a dead fish'

Rotten my ass!!

I know!


What kind of clues are these?

Slowly used to their silly clues, we went back and tried brushing off the bushes. 

And there we found a rather thick bush in a form of a large boulder which was tall and big.  We brushed it of but to our surprise, it was actually a large boulder.

"Here it is!!!"

Beside of that large boulder which was a few feet away,  was also a bloulder half of its size and in between them was a small pond.  It was covered with a very thick bushes so we had to brush it off.

"Woaaaah!! "


Everyone gasped at the sight of the small pond. 

The pond has a very clear water and we can clearly see its surface from above.  The surface was like made of jade,  it was white majestic. But what made it looked like a jewel was the crystals embedded on it which surrounds the pond.  Due to light shining on them,  the pond looks like a jewel itself due to the cyrstals.

What the heck?!

It this all?!

Just this?!

For that annoying hunting or whatever?!

Damn it!!


Author's: So sorry for this lame update guys tehe. 

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