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Baekhyun shook his head.  "I do not understand. Why are you offering me protection? I'm nobody"

"I have my reasons" They looked at each other in silence. Baekhyun swallowed hard.  "Are you going to want... that..." His throat clenched in words and he couldn't finish, but his body language made it clear as he squeezed his legs and pressed his back protectively on the chair.  Dark brows panicked at Baekhyun's obvious fear "I have no interest in raping babies just out of their diapers."

He spat the words out as if they were dirty in his mouth and Baekhyun believed him.  Despite the obvious and obvious insult to his age, he immediately eased Baekhyun's mind.  Park obviously I had no interest in him like that.  Why he had saved him from being raped and fought like a piece of meat was still a mystery, but Baekhyun knew better than to push his luck further. 

"Baekhyun" Mister Park frowned "What?"  "It's my name. Baekhyun. You can call me... that"

The older man's posture loosened a bit and he straightened up, "Okay Baekhyun. My name is Chanyeol.  Would you like to stay here or take a walk and see the rest of the prison?" He looked at him confused. 

"Do we not have to stay in our cell?"

"No, during the day you can do whatever you want, walk in the yard, go to the library, visit the police station or watch TV in the main areas.  There is also a gym that we will visit every day. 

"We?" Baekhyun repeated it after him quite stunned and stupid.  Unfortunately his response seemed to upset Chanyeol.  The man growled at him.

"If you want my protection, where I go, you go Baekhyun and I have no intention of altering my daily schedule just for you.  Take it or leave it boy" With that, he turned and left the cell.  The boy remained there for a moment, then ran to catch up with Chanyeol. 

The jacket was huge on him, the hem falling to his knees and the sleeves well beyond his hands.  He emphasized his small stature.  He looked like a boy playing dress up in his father's closet.  He thought he looked a bit silly in Chanyeol's coat.  However, it left no doubt in his mind to whom the blond young man belonged as well.  Chanyeol walked forward, not looking back to see if Baekhyun was following him, but the boy did it anyway.  He never let the powerful man get more than two steps ahead of him. 

He hurried to continue, his short legs forced him to practically run to keep up with Chanyeol's long strides.  Even while running, Baekhyun was still able to keep an eye on his surroundings.  The prisoners who passed either intentionally ignored them or respectfully nodded to Chanyeol.  Chanyeol did not greet anyone. 

They passed doors leading out into a yard full of orange monkeys, playing basketball and then open doors of a cafeteria full of convicts eating at long tables on plastic trays.  Even the cutlery was plastic.  The small utensils looked comical in the huge tattooed hands of the violent condemned.

They stopped in front of a glass window with a metal fence to speak a small slot to pass things.  Baekhyun looked at the words painted on the wall next to the door;  'Commissar'.  Beneath him was a sign that he listed and the prices but it didn't matter to Baekhyun because he had no money. 

The money was earned in prison by working in the laundry or cafeteria or on external work teams.  But even working was a privilege in prison and Baekhyun had not yet earned it.  There were coats and shoes, prettier than those supplied by the prison, but mostly food, books, magazines, stamps and sweets.  Baekhyun's gaze lingered on the candy and then his eyes fell back to the ground.  Chanyeol spoke to the man behind the window and slipped him a pack of cigarettes.  Baekhyun noted that the cigarettes were not on the list of items sold at the police station.

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