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The days seemed to take forever, and yet they flew at the same time. Sehun kept his gaze on him like a hawk, even in the shower, but nobody bothered with him. No one tried.

The shaved head incident showed everyone that Chanyeol's charm was still intact, whether it was present or not. After the fat man returned from having his nose set by the nurse, the guards broke it again, plus some ribs, and threw him alone for a month. No one said why, but everyone knew it was because he had messed with Baekhyun. It was Chanyeol's way of letting everyone know who was still pulling all the ropes and who still had his eyes on them. No one bothered Baekhyun again.

Visiting day finally came. Baekhyun washed his face, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and made sure hid uniform had as few wrinkles as possible.

He nervously waited for his turn in the visitor's room. He was practically vibrating from the heels with excitement and he barely noticed the guards patting him before the door opened and there was Chanyeo! With a cheery shout, Baekhyun ran into the room and threw himself into Chanyeol's arms.

Chanyeol caught him easily and spun him around in circles before standing him up. They smiled at each other like idiots for a second and then Baekhyun noticed what Chanyeol was wearing., his eyes went wide.

Chanyeol broad shoulders seemed even wider in a perfectly tailored three-piece suit. It had to be a tailored suit to accommodate both his biceps and slim waist. Baekhyun could see his thighs, the muscles pressing through the expensive fabric, his shoes were shiny leather loafers, his hair was slicked back and spotless.

He was dressed exactly as Baekhyun had imagined him to be out of his prison jumpsuit, like a mob boss from downtown Seoul. He just laughed. -You look good, bastard. Chanyeol ruffled his hair with one big hand.

-I wish I could say the same brat. You seem slimmer. Are you eating well?

-Every chance I have. Baekhyun replied absentmindedly.

He only had eyes for Chanyeol. He drank from it when he looked at him hungrily. He just looked so damn good. Someone coughed nervously behind the big man and Baekhyun belatedly realized that Chanyeol had not come alone. His eyes turned when he realized who it was.


He'd only seen them a few times since the trial. Baekhyun's family was poor and they lived almost a full day by train, which means they would have to get a hotel and spend the night in nearby. It was an expense and stress that their elderly, retired parents often couldn't afford. Baekhyun thought his mother would have come more often, but she would not come without her father. And Baekhyun knew that his father still suffered terribly with the knowledge that he would probably never see his only loved son free again in his life.

Every time he came he had spent most of the visit holding back tears. That had hurt Baekhyun more than anything else. He had always seen his father as the strong one. His imprisonment had crushed her mother, but had almost destroyed his elderly father.

The old man looked smaller and older than ever. His pretty mother smiled from under her floral travel scarf. She carried a basket that Baekhyun knew would be filled with her delicious homemade pasta. Her eyes filled with tears of joy, "Mom!" Father! He wrapped them both in a big bear hug, being careful not to squeeze either of them too tight, "What are they doing here?" I thought you couldn't go back until my birthday, which was still for a few more months.

His mother spoke first and her voice was confused and unsure. -Mr. Oh brought us. He leaned forward and said in a loud, amazed whisper

-He picked us up from the airport in a LIMO, can you imagine?! She was starting to lose her hearing so although she probably thought she said it very quietly, it was actually quite loud. Baekhyun's father rolled his eyes and Chanyeol smiled. Baekhyun laughed. -A limousine huh? What do you think about that?

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