I Warned You

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I donʼt really like being teased, but I do enjoy teasing. My boyfriend Louis 

had decided to take me out. He wouldnʼt tell me where. He knew how 

teasing made me feel, but wanted to do it anyways. I kept begging him to at 

least tell me what kind of date we were going on so I would know what to 

wear, but he just kept on being the stubborn adorable little boy. ʻʼ cloth are 

cloth. Anything will do, just not too much cleavage though, I donʼt want 

anybody else to see my babies. Only I can see them. ʻʼ he said with an 

innocent smile. Burning his eyes on me while I was changing, trying to find 

the perfect outfit that will make both me and him happy. ʻʼ donʼt look ʻʼ I told 

him as I tried to cover myself up. ʻʼ Oh! Come on, babes itʼs not like I havenʼt 

seen you naked before. ʻʼ  He said. ʻʼ what do you mean, before.? I have 

never been naked in front of you. ʻʼ I answered suspicious of what he said. I 

finished changing and turned to him. ʻʼ is this ok ? ʻʼ I sighed, I was getting 

tired of changing cloth, because he was never satisfied with my choices. ʻʼ 

perfect ʻʼ he said. I was wearing a blue ripped skinny jeans, a black tank top 

and converse shoes. ʻʼ btw what did you mean that it wasnʼt your first time 

seeing me naked ? ʻʼ I asked. ʻʼ well babe you do sleep with only your 

panties on. ʻʼ he said with a matter of fact tone. We got out and I was about 

to get into the car when he stopped me saying that we were going to walk. ʻʼ 

uhh, I donʼt want to walk. ʻʼ I groaned. ʻʼ unfortunately, love itʼs not up to you 

to decide. ʻʼ he said with the most adorable smile ever, making me laugh. I 

really hated that I could never keep a serious face with him. he always made 

me laugh. After a while I got tired of walkingʻʼ are we there yet? ʻʼ I asked 

trying not to fall behind. He was walking too fast for me, and I was just lazy.
ʻʼ  nope. ʻʼ he said and continued walking, and not even slowing down. ʻʼ ugh I 

canʼt take this anymore ʻʼ I groaned after what it felt like we were walking for 

ages. ʻʼ come on love just a couple of more minutes. ʻʼ he tried to cheer me 

up.  ʻʼ but you said that about an hour ago. ʻʼ I said back, as he continued 

walking we came across a forest alley. We were alone and I couldnʼt even 

see birds, it was an empty area. The only sounds I heard was us walking 

and breathing. I was tired and had enough of him teasing me. I walked 

towards one of the sides and sat down under a tree. He noticed that I wasnʼt 

walking behind him anymore and turned to me ʻʼ what are you doing get up 

we will be there soon. ʻʼ he said and stood there waiting for me. ʻʼ I am not 

moving until you tell me where were going, and how long it will really take 

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