You Have Us|KamiBakuSero (2/2)

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dont mind the picture-

Also, this feels really rushed, so sorry about that.

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Bakugo's POV

*insert loud annoying alarm clock sound*

Ah, fuck. Shut up.

I slam my fist down on the alarm clock, breaking it for the 4th time this month.

I slowly get out of bed, dreading my existence. 

Good thing I packed everything before I went to sleep. I walked to the bathroom, brushing my teeth slower than normal because I am sore as FUCK. Like, so sore that it hurt to breath. I guess that's because she kicked me in the gut. After I was done brushing my teeth, I walked back to my room to get my phone. When I picked it up, I saw that I had 10 missed calls from Hanta and Denki. I decide to call Hanta back, because he was the more mature one, and he was probably with the fuckin' idiot. He answered almost immediently.

"Finally! We have been calling you all last night! Whats wrong? Did you not see any of our messages? How-" He got cut off by Pikachu yelling into the phone. "Hiii Bakubabeee! Why were you ignoring ussss?" 

"My phone was dead."

"Katsuki, don't lie. I saw that a couple of our messages were read. Why are you lying, though?"


"..Are you cheating on us?"

I gasp loudly. "No! No! I would never cheat on you fucking dumb-asses!"

"Then why were you lying?"

"....Personal reasons."

I heard Hanta sigh. "Look, we are your boyfriends. We have been for the past 7 months. We should be able to talk about personal things. I'm going to hang up. We just arrived at the school, and when you are ready to tell us, come talk to us. Bye." I heard the beeping noise, signalling that the call ended. I look down, a single tear rolling down my cheek that I quickly wipe off. I can tell that Hanta is kinda pissed. And I feel guilty for keeping secrets from them, but they'll just think im weak if I tell them!...I might tell them later..maybe...

"Hey, you fuckin' brat! Get your ass out of the house now, or you'll be going to school with a lot more bruises than before!" "Shut up, you old hag!" I start making my way down the stairs, and to the front door(with my suitcase and phone, of course). "Bye, you fuckers! Hope to never see you again!" I yell, thankful that I don't have to live with them anymore. 

"Katsuki-" "Right back at you, bastard!" I heard my mom scream, before I slammed the door as hard as I could. 

I sigh, checking my watch. Oh fuck, Im gonna be late.

I start to run as fast as I can, carrying the small suitcase(basically a large bag) in my arms.

*Timeskip to when he gets there because hhnnnngghhh*

I walk up to the group of people outside of the 1-A dorm building. I look around, my eyes landing on the 'Bakusquad', or more importantly, Denki and Sero. Without thinking, I walk over there. "Hey, Bakubro!" I heard Kirishima say. "Hey, Shitty Hair." He was about to say something, before he got cut off by our teacher. 

"Everyone, calm down. I know you are all very excited, but we are all going to have to wait. It is only 5:30, and there are people in there preparing the finishing touches for you to get settled in. We should be able to go in at 6, so everyone can just chat for now. But keep your voices at a minimum." With that, everyone started talking as loud as they could-

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