"K-Kacchan?"| DekuBaku

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this is gonna be pretty short  :/

dont worry, i have a VERY angsty one planned soon >;)

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3rd POV

Bakugo slammed his fists down on the table of the common room, cards flying everywhere. "Dammit!" He screamed, throwing his arms up in the air.

Ashido grinned. "Sorry, dude. That's just the way the rules go." Bakugo frantically looked around the room, locking eyes with Uraraka. "You saw her, right?! She cheated!" The brown haired girl smiled. "Nope. Ashido never cheats, she is just really good at this game." His eyes narrow as he looks back at the alien girl. "Why did I agree to hang out with you guys.." He mumbled. Tsuyu spoke up. "You always hang out with the girls on Friday, kero." He blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up! I don't even like hanging out with you guys! It's not like your fun to hang out with or anything!" He said, crossing his arms.

The pink haired girl grinned. "We agreed that whoever won could make the loser do anything, right?" He huffed. "Yeah.." "And who is the loser?"

He looked to the side. "Me.." 

Yayorozu frowned. "Ashido, don't make him do anything you wouldn't want to do." She smiled deviously. "Of course!"

She turned to the side and whispered something in Hagakure's ear. She gasped. "Oh my! Yeah, I'll tell Yayorozu." Hagakure then turned to Yayorozu and whispered it in her ear. "Guys! T-That would be embarrassing for him!" Ashido rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that's the point! Please make it?" She asked. Yayorozu sighed. "Fine. But only this once." She turned to Bakugo. "Sorry in advance." She said, before turning her body away and making whatever they were planning.

Bakugo sighed. "God, you guys take too long. Can this just be over already? Jirou shook her head. "Nope. This will be good, I promise." 

He rolled his eyes, before some clothes got thrown at him. "Wear that for the rest of the day." He looks down to see-

A cheer uniform.

"What the fuck, guys?" He said, blushing. "Come on, you'll be fine. I think Midoriya would like it as well." Ashido grinned. "W-What?! Why would I want Deku to see me in this?!" Jirou smirked. "We all know you like him. Since you guys have gotten a lot closer to each other, it's pretty obvious that he likes you back. Also, no more arguing. Just go ahead and put it on."

He glared harshly at the girls, before going to the bathroom and changing into the tight uniform. 

He has to say, he doesn't look half bad in it. Dare he say, he looks good in it. 

Well, before he looked down a bit, noticing the skirt was a lot shorter than it should be. Like, so short that it was showing his boxers.

"Oh hell no!" He yelled, stomping out of the bathroom and back into the common room. He just pointed at the skirt, and Ashido shrugged. "Whoops, sorry. Guess Yayorozu made it a little too small. But she's too tired to make another one." She said, chuckling. 

Hagakure gasped. "Wait, I got the pom-poms! Here!" She said, handing the bright yellow pom-poms to Bakugo. "Do a little pose!" "Hell no!" Ashido looked at him with pleading eyes. "Pleeaassseeee? Just once?" He huffed, before getting into a cheerleader pose.(i have no idea what poses there are :/ )

The girls squealed. "Oh my gosh, you look so cute!" His eyes widened. "No I don't! Shut up!" 

Ashido smiled. "Okay, we can get back to playing games!" Bakugo sighed, walking back to the bathroom. "Hey, where are you going?!" He heard someone call out. "To take this damn thing off." Ashido gasped. "What?! No! I said you're wearing that for the whole day!"

He groaned loudly, before stomping back to the couch and plopping down. "Whatever. Let's just play these stupid games."

*Timeskip because I have no motivation at all* 

"Hell yeah!!" Ashido screamed. "Ughhhhh not fair." Jirou complained, before sighing. "Fine. What do I have to do?" Ashido tilted her head in thought. "Hmm, how about...you have to make my lunch for the next week!" Jirou rolled her eyes in annoyance. "At least I don't have to wear a cheer uniform." She smirked. 

Bakugo looked down at his phone. 5:31pm. He groaned. "Can't the day just be over already?" Ashido grinned. "You were the loser, those were the rules. It's only fair." 

He sighed, before getting up to grab some water from the kitchen. 

Someone walked into the room."Hey girls, have you seen Kacchan an-" Midoriya was brought to a standstill as soon as he saw Bakugo.

He turned bright red as he looked at the blonde.


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(art by me)

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Word Count: 869 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i kinda like this artwork, ngl :)

I'll leave the ending up to your imagination, hehe-

alright, im gonna go try and sleep

peace ✌

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