Chapter 8

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'Woah, woah, what's going on?' Kristin asked over Skype. As soon as she'd seen my latest post on Twitter, she'd called me immediately. It was daytime in Australia, whereas it was about twelve-thirty in the morning in New York. 'Are you and Beau friends?'

I shrugged. 'I guess so.'

Her slightly pixelated face looked at me in disbelief. 'What's happened over there?! Who are you and what have you done with my sister, also known as the president of the "Beau Jensen Hate Club"?'

I laughed. 'We had a little heart-to-heart, sorted out our issues and became friends,' I explained.

'I'm gone for a few days and BAM, suddenly you two are besties!' she exclaimed.

'We're not besties,' I said. 'We just became friends.'

'Aww, I'm going to miss our little nightly bitch sessions about him,' she said sentimentally. 'But damn, you should look at the response you're getting on Twitter.'

'Huh?' I asked.

'Look at the replies to your selfie,' she said.

"Cleau is finally happening", one follower tweeted.

"It's about time, when are they getting married?", another follower said.

'Oh no,' I frowned. 'We're just fuelling the fire here. The rumours of us dating are going to circulate again.'

'Yeah,' Kristin said. 'There's not much you two can really do about that.'

'Perhaps I'll post a tweet saying that we're not together?'

'Yeah, but that's just going to make it look like you're hiding it,' she pointed out. 'Nothing says: "we're dating" like a denial tweet.'

'You're right,' I agreed. 'I guess we'll just avoid the headlines and perhaps the rumours will die down.'

'Yeah,' she agreed. 'Geez, I feel like I'm your publicist.'

I laughed. 'You do a good job of it, but I already have Sam for that.'

'Why don't you talk to him about it?'

'I will later.'

'He's probably so annoyed with you two because you keep changing your attitudes towards each other,' Kristin laughed. 'One minute you're photographed together and he has to explain that you're mortal enemies, and the next minute you two are besties and he has to explain that you two have reconciled.'

'He must really hate me,' I laughed with her.

'What about Aaron though?' she asked. I'd texted her the previous day to tell her what happened with Aaron.

'I know, I'm so confused,' I sighed.

'So are you two going to date?'

'I want to, but a) he hasn't even asked me, and b) I'm contractually obliged not to date for a year,' I groaned. 'It's so frustrating.'

She raised her eyebrows at me. 'Wow, it must be so hard being you,' she drawled sarcastically. 'Well, sister-dearest, I must resume studying, but have a good time in New York.'

'I will,' I replied. 'And study hard my little future-vet.'

'I will,' she grinned.

When she hung up the Skype call, I switched on my TV and coincidentally, E! was on.

'We have some breaking news,' the reporter said. 'In what had been coined "The Redemption Selfie", it looks as though Beau Jensen and Cleo Summers have ended their almost two year-long feud and become friends. The two young superstars began their feud at the 2013 Golden Globes when Beau rejected Cleo's attempt to meet him. Since then, they've been involved in various arguments over Twitter, but have never spoken face-to-face. As of this afternoon, however, they've appeared to have put their past behind them and become friends. Cleau supporters are thrilled at this revelation, and there are rumours that the two of them are even dating. We'll keep you posted on the Cleau situation.'

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