Author's Note - Please Read First

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Hi, I'm Nikki! So, if you're reading this, you're possibly about to embark on the literary journey that I've spent countless hours conjuring and writing. Here are a couple of things you should know before reading my story:

1. This isn't a fanfiction - it's purely the consequence of a lot of my unspoken thoughts and dreams (haha).

2. I've spent many hours working on this story (including writing several chapters a day, each of which is approximately 2500-3000 words, give or take a couple of hundred). I might add that in Microsoft Word, this story is over 210 pages.

3. How this is going to work:

- Every week, I'm going to upload another chapter on a certain day

- That day will most likely be a Monday (in Australia) and whatever equivalent that may be in whichever country you're from

- HOWEVER, the frequency of the updates will depend on the popularity of my story. I know this sounds a bit superficial, but you need to understand that I've put a lot of effort into this story, and I don't want my efforts to go to waste. In this case, I highly encourage you to comment and whatnot, especially as this gives me an opportunity to connect more with my readers. Conversely, if I receive a lot of feedback, votes, and popularity, I may opt to upload more than once a week on occasion.

4. If you have any questions or feedback regarding me or my story, please inbox me or comment. I love talking to you guys, answering your questions and seeing what you guys think about my story!

5. If you spot any grammatical or spelling errors, please point them out in a thoughtful fashion. I've spent a lot of time proof-reading and editing my story, and I've tried to avoid as many errors as possible. However, I do a lot of my writing and editing at ridiculous hours in the morning (as, for some reason, this seems to be the time when my creative juices are most often figuratively flowing), so there may be mistakes.

6. I haven't added a cast because I've left it up to you to picture the cast. I spent quite a while contemplating who would be most suitable to 'play' my characters, but I decided that it's best if you let your own imagination come up with who you think would be best. Of course, feel free to make suggestions as to who you'd like to 'play' who, but it's unlikely that I'll make a cast in the future.

7. The majority of the chapters have already been written, but I'm not entirely sure how many there will be in the end. Also, although the chapters have been pre-written, I may alter the following chapters based on the feedback you guys give me. Feedback is so valuable to me and I like to heed what people say so I can improve. So that's why I'm not uploading them all at once.

And finally,

8. I must stress to you: please give this story a chance. I've put a lot of effort into constructing my characters, researching, and making my story as realistic as possible.

Thank you so much for giving me and my story your time, and I really hope you enjoy it because I really enjoyed writing it.

Lots of love,

Nikki :)

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