Chapter 12

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I awoke to the sound of a knock on the door.

'Cleo,' I heard Beau's voice. 'Can I come in?'

I sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes. I'd slept unbelievably well. 'Yeah, come in.'

'How are you feeling this morning?' he asked.

I smiled at the sight of Beau in his Iron Man boxers and oversized grey t-shirt. His dark hair was ruffled in a very sexy way and there was a bit of stubble growing on his jaw. He looked ridiculously attractive for someone who'd just woken up. It was so unusual for him to appear this normal.

I ran a hand through my hair. 'Surprisingly decent,' I said, trying to tear my eyes away from his face. 'This bed is so comfortable.'

Beau smiled and I almost melted. 'I'm glad.'

'What time is it?'

'Six-thirty,' Beau said. 'We have to be on set at eight.'

I nodded and stripped back the sheets. I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

'I'll just have a shower, get changed and I'll meet you downstairs,' I said.

'No problem,' Beau said. 'Anita will have breakfast ready for us.'

About fifteen minutes later, I had just finished getting dressed in the denim shorts and navy-blue v-neck, fitted shirt that Beau had provided me with. The clothes were a little big for me, but they still fit. I felt kind of weird wearing his ex's clothes. I didn't even know which ex she was.

I plaited my dirty-blonde hair and wiped any remaining makeup from my face.

I made my way downstairs, and almost got lost on my way to the dining room. Beau was sitting on his phone with a plate of pancakes in front of him. The table had a large plate of pancakes, some bacon and eggs, various selections of cereals and various different juices set out on it.

Beau looked up at me when I entered the room.

'Take your pick,' he said, gesturing to the food. He reverted his attention back to his phone, and looked like he was concentrating heavily.

'Whatcha doing?' I asked as I sat down opposite him and started piling some bacon onto my plate.

'Texting Ashton,' he said. 'You know how we're doing that talk show interview tonight? He wants me to evade any discussion regarding the scandal until new evidence has been uncovered.'

I vaguely remembered that we were appearing as a “couple” for the first time on a talk show with a host called Harry Thomas, but hadn't really given it much thought.

'Oh yeah,' I said. 'Don't worry, I won't say a word.'

'Thanks,' he said appreciatively.

'So, why don't you have a girlfriend?' I asked before taking a bite of some bacon.

'I do,' he frowned. 'You.'

'No, like a real girlfriend,' I elaborated. 'You could literally have your pick at any woman in Hollywood, so why?'

'Same reason as you,' he explained. 'Not allowed to date. Plus, no one els- I mean no one has caught my eye.'

I shrugged. 'Surprising, but ok.'


'And action!'

'Annabelle, I'm so sorry,' Beau said, running after me as I strode away from him.

'Leave me alone Pete,' I cried, not turning to face Beau and still walking away from him.

'Annabelle, please don't be mad!' Beau said, grabbing my shoulder and turning to face me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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