Chapter 5

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'And he just yelled at you?' Aaron questioned.

We were convened in my living room, sprawled out across my couches. It was Saturday afternoon, and Aaron had come over to help me rehearse my lines. We were in the middle of having a break.

'Yeah, I was trying to help but he accused me for the scandal,' I explained, sitting up from my lying position and resting an arm on the back of my couch.

Aaron looked as though he was thinking hard. 'Despite him lashing out at you, I guess you have to understand. He must be pretty stressed right now.'

'Yeah, I know, but it wasn't fair,' I objected.

'I know,' Aaron exhaled heavily, putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. I inhaled and I could smell his familiar cologne, momentarily distracting me from what he was saying. 'He'll come around eventually.'

I nodded and grabbed the remote. I switched on the TV and the first thing I saw was Beau's face.

'New fuel has been added to the fire of the Beau Jensen scandal,' the entertainment reporter conveyed. 'The star was seen getting into a violent altercation with an innocent fan. Twenty-year old Matthew Landon was walking down a street in LA when he spotted Jensen. He went up to him to ask for an autograph, and Jensen reportedly threw a punch at him.'

A picture of Beau and the other guy fighting flashed up on the screen.

'Oh no,' I said under my breath.

'Landon fought back in self defence as Jensen kept beating him up,' the reporter continued. 'It looks as though Jensen has gone off the rails. We're just wondering whether rumoured girlfriend, Cleo Summers, will leave him or not.'

I just stared, wide-eyed at the screen in shock.

'That doesn't sound like Beau,' Aaron remarked with a frown.

'Definitely not!' I exclaimed incredulously. 'Do you really think he'd risk screwing up his face over an autograph?'

Aaron shook his head.

'Something just doesn't add up about this whole thing,' I muttered.


On Monday I was up bright and early for filming at our local airport. They'd sectioned off a specific part of the airport that we could use for filming and we only had one day to film there, so everything had to be flawless.

The scene we were shooting was the penultimate scene of the film. Pete and Annabelle had previously revealed their feelings for each other, but had fought because Marissa was falling for Pete, and he was torn between the two girls. In this scene, Annabelle is catching a flight back home for the summer holidays, and Pete comes after her to win her back before it's too late 

Unfortunately, to my utter dismay, Beau and I had to kiss in this scene. To prepare, I’d chewed some mint gum in respect for Beau. I just hope he’d done the same.

However, I'd had a good weekend, hanging out with Aaron and then cleaning my house so I was in a good disposition and prepared to work.

I arrived at the airport at three in the morning and headed directly to wardrobe. After I was dressed and fully made up, James called Beau and I onto the set. I strolled over to talk to James, but Beau was nowhere to be seen.

James assumed he was just running a bit late, and used the time to run me through my blocking.

Half an hour later, we were starting to worry about Beau's location.

James asked me to do a run-through of the entire scene without Beau, with an extra stepping in to rehearse with.

'I'm Chris Lenard,' the extra introduced himself. He was about Beau's height, with similar dark hair and features. He wasn't as handsome as Beau though. I recognised him from around the studio - he'd been an extra on other scenes.

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