Chapter 3 - Brooke

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It's some ungodly hour when I start to hear something that resembles knocking on the door, and I'm briefly thinking about ignoring it, when it sounds out again. I'm a zombie as I flop out of bed, and snag an over sized jumper from the top of the box that exploded yesterday, while I drag myself towards the door. That bed really is ridiculously comfortable, and I have a strong urge to murder the person pulling me from it, before returning myself once more beneath quilt kingdom.

Happily taking my rightful place as not only it's leader, but it's ultimate Queen.

It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the person on the other side of the door, before they glide down to what they're holding.

"Wow short stuff, you are not a morning person.."

If he wasn't holding pure caffeine gold, I would slam the door in his face. I silently hold my hand out instead, before bringing the cup to my face to inhale the heavenly smell. Oh, gods, that's the stuff.

".. I figured you probably didn't get a chance to unpack anything, after we all eventually left last night, so thought I'd pop by with something that vaguely resembles breakfast."

My eyes drop, and it's the first time I notice he's also holding a bag in the hand still around another coffee.

"You're lucky you come baring gifts, otherwise it would have been a door up in ya face."

I move out the way to let him pass, still clutching my cup hard in my hand, while I breathe the smells wafting from it once more. Looking just like the serious caffeine addict I am. Deacon's face breaks out in a wide smile as he comes to move past me, stopping himself just in front, before leaning his head down to my ear. His breath fans my neck and cheek, causing me to instantly feel a thousand degrees.

"Thoroughly approve of the sleeping attire by the way."

My eyes narrow, while I watch him straighten up, chucking away to himself. More than aware that I could not be bothered digging for pajamas last night and just went half commando for bed, although I thought the over sized jumper hid it all well. Smiling widely myself, I make sure I lean myself against his arm, making sure to emphasize the point of how little I have under it while I bat my eyes slowly up at him.

"Oh, you should see what I have under this... or should I say, don't have..."

His chuckles become laughter, as his head shakes out, before meeting my eyes.

"Touché, shortie."

Rolling my eyes at his insistent refusal to use my actual name, I nudge him forward before turning to close the door. He's already looking like he's far too much at home on one of my couches by the time I spin back around, and I bounce over before plonking down next to him. The curiosity about what's in the bag, way too much to contain any longer.

"So, what's in the bag, muscles?"

His mouth begins to twitch into a grin, he's trying hard to hold back, while he shuffles himself forward. My head falls back laughing as he tenses his whole arm up while he opens the bag, making the muscles along them stand out all the more. I'm not entirely sure what it is that he pulls out, but damn I just want to shove the whole thing in my mouth.

"Ok, so this has a weird name, and not exactly breakfast food, but stay with me... It's called a Dirt Bomb, don't ask me why, but it's basically a raspberry jam filled cinnamon sugared donut, in a muffin shape. They come from Bravio's, one of the best bakeries around here, I swear. I'm not sure where you moved from... But this is the place you go. Everything is insane."

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