Prologue: Kamino

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The violent waves of Kamino crashed against Tipoca City, thunder boomed in the sky, lightning striking in the background. The clones were bred for combat and another purpose, a dark purpose that only the sinister Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious and his new apprentice, Fallen Jedi Count Dooku of Serenno who now goes by Darth Tyranus knew about. The clones would serve the Jedi in an orchestrated war that would be played from both sides but the ultimate winner would be Darth Sidious, he would get his way and have the Jedi wiped out and have Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, as his apprentice.

The clones trained for years. They were bred from a bounty hunters DNA, that bounty hunter being Jango Fett, a man who practiced Mandalorian culture, who got a clone for himself to have a son but he was an unaltered clone like the rest of the clones, his name is Boba Fett. CT-4789 was apart of the squad called the Danger Squad. The squad consisted of himself, CT-4050, CT-2130, and CT-3450. They all got along well but CT-4789 and CT-2130 were like best friends, they always cracked jokes about Domino Squad. "Why can't they just work together?" CT-4789 said. "I don't know brother, maybe they stayed in their pods too long" said CT-2130.

His squad had their final test, the Citadel Challenge. It was the hardest challenge for the clones, it was all about team work. CT-3450 would cut up the middle, CT-4050 would flank left, CT-4789 would flank right, and CT-2130 would be suppressive fire. "Alright men! This is it! We are going to graduate today!" CT-3450 exclaimed. Their plan worked, they impressed the people hired to train them, Master Chief Bric, a Siniteen, and bounty hunter El-Les, an Arcona. Danger Squad was one of their favorite squads.

The day finally came, CT-4789 would be shipped off to battle. "Men! Today you graduate from Cadets to soldiers! Danger Squad, you were admirable and quick thinking." Bric said. He was assigned to the 212th Attack Battalion under the command of Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. He couldn't have asked for a better chain of command. His first battle would be the Second Battle of Geonosis, where him and his fellow brothers in the 212th Attack Battalion, 501st Legion lead by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, 41st Elite Corps lead by Jedi General Luminara Unduli, Jedi Commander Barriss Offee, and Clone Commander Gree and a special forces unit lead by Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Commander Jet. They were tasked with destroying a massive droid factory occupied by CIS Leader Poggle the Lesser and to capture Poggle the Lesser alive.

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