Chapter 14: A New Life

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It's 5 ABY, the Empire has fallen, the New Republic has formed. Jack Lawquane, Cut's "brother" to the residents of Saleucami. He and his wife, Shylin Lawquane have five children, all Force sensitive. The eldest was named Cut "Rex" Lawquane, after his two best friends. He watched the Chancellor of the New Republic, Mon Mothma address the galaxy, "the Empire is in ruins, order and protection will come back to the galaxy, bounty hunters and crime syndicates will not be allowed to roam freely no longer!", Mothma exclaimed to a cheering audience. Jack and his family made a lot of credits off of farming, they also built a museum of sorts to educate the youth about the Clone War and the Galactic Civil War.

Jack did train to become a Jedi, Luke Skywalker found him after the Battle of Endor. Jack was glad to be in the presence of another Skywalker, apparently his twin sister was Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. Luke trained him with what Luke knew of the force. Luke offered to take his children and teach them the Ways of the Force but Jack said, "that decision isn't up to me, it's up to them, sir". "So be it", and that was the last time he saw Luke Skywalker.

Jack kept taking care of The Marksman, always cleaning it, making it a safer ship to last a longer time and to eventually pass it down to his children. Jack has aged quickly, not only from the stress of constant war but because of his accelerated aging due to the cloning process, he looked sixty years old but had the body of a thirty year old.

Shylin loved not being at war anymore, the peaceful life suit her. She stopped being a Jedi to be with her family, but kept her lightsaber with her at all times just in case.

CT-4789 finally had the life he wanted.

Star Wars: CT-4789 aka Jack: a Clone StoryWhere stories live. Discover now